Yesterday was Courtney's 28th Birthday. We partied on Friday and had a great turn out and time! Then yesterday we went to a place called The Sand and Sea Inn in Cayey. Yesterday was also our friend Janette's birthday and she had a get together up there. It is HIGH up in the mountains...up twisty and NARROW roads. It was a beautiful view, a little chilly, and there was great food. Here are some pictures from his party...
Here are the girls doing a shot for our girl Kisha (she moved to the states this year) and then there's Katie and I at the beginning of the night (you know we have to take before and after pictures!).

Here are the 2 Manny's...Courtney is wearing one of Manny's old baseball jerseys that Manny gave him (it's #12) and the real Manny Bones. Then there's Vicki, Katie, Janette, and me...would have been a great picture but just as he snapped it Janette pinched my butt!!

Katie did LOTS of dancing...

If you remember Courtney's party last year you might remember a picture we took of all the women. There were about 5 people in the's the picture of all the women from Friday...

Kate will kill me for this one but since I showed the "before" shot I now have to show the "after" was a long afternoon (yes, afternoon - we began our party at 3:00!)
Sunday's party was much more relaxed. After finally getting to the restaurant (it felt like forever to get there and then was fast to get home!) we ordered and had great food. Here are a few "shots" I took of the birthday people.

And last - the view from the restaurant. Not too sure how well you can see it but if you look closely you can see the ocean and Guayama is a little to the left, Patillas is on the right. It really was breathtaking!