Yes people - I am bored out of my mind!!! We are staying in Leavenworth at Jim & Amanda's while they are on vacation and I am BORED!!! I'm getting frustrated with our house because we haven't heard anything about our resolutions (crap that needs fixed) or our loan. Right now I assume we will close on June 26th (still 2 weeks away!) but there's always a chance something will go wrong and we won't even get this house. We've been calling our realtor with questions today and he has not returned any of our calls. My frustration level is VERY high right now. I just want to know - either way - if I will be moving in 2 weeks or not. Things are definitely not going as smoothly or as quick as they did last time we bought a house. It's safe to say that once we FINALLY get moved in we will stay put for quite a while!! This week we've done, well, nothing except for going to dinner with mom and dad a few times and Travis, Nicole, and Alta stopped by on Wednesday. It was fun to show them the house and play with the baby. She's my girl! Also (you can now tell how bored I am) the dogs haven't made an appearance on the BLOG in a while so I took some pictures of them. This has been the longest 3 weeks in my life!!!
Winston's chair
Winston is loving having grass to lay on!
The Bridges's dog - Angus
Miller was feeling a little shy - HELLO!!! The camera is over here!!
Isn't she precious? Just a few days before she turned 2 months.
We had our inspection today so I finally got inside to take some pictures of our house empty. The people who lived there before us are the sweetest, cutest people ever! In the fridge were 4 beers, in the downstairs bedroom was a bed, and on the countertop was a book and sweet note. The book is all about the house, the neighbors, and everything I need to know about every kind of flower on the property - including pictures of each flower in bloom. The note was so sweet - those are the kind of people you WANT to buy a house from. They put so much love in to that house and I promise them we will do the same. I'll put up a few pictures for now and I promise I'll put up more when we finally move in. We're almost ready for visitors... The pictures: 1 & 2) The front of the house; 3) the AMAZING deck (it's 2 tiers and has built in bench seating on the 2nd tier! We're gonna have some great parties!); 4 & 5) Apples, anyone?; 6) Where Chef Kelly will cook; 7) Whirlpool, anyone?
I think that's good for now - oh I'm such a tease!! Our inspection went smoothly and hopefully the adjustments needed will follow just as smoothly. Our next step is getting insurance (decision to be made tonight) and then put the loan through! We're on the downhill slope leading to moving in!! I'll keep you posted (get it?)!
I've been putting off putting up a post with pictures about our departure from Puerto Rico. I guess I've done that because I was afraid it would make it real to me that we left - I was right! Katie put up a "final PR" post and that finally made it start to sink in so I guess I better get it over with. Our final week in Puerto Rico was really strange. The other teachers had a party for us on our last Monday and it was so much fun! They sure know how to party down there...and I like to think it's partly to do with us (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!). I do miss those people already. I can't wait to go back and visit...or have some of them up here in Kansas (hint, hint). Here are some pics from our final party:
We then had to go to work on Tuesday which we were not happy about because we had to leave at 3:30 Wednesday morning. On Tuesday we worked, packed, said good-bye to everyone, and (of course) cried a lot. On our last night with the Dills, Katie said we should have put our mark on Casa Benny so my husband got the marker and did just that. I forgot to take a picture but Katie did it the next day. If you've kept up with our BLOG you know how true the saying is. I hope it's there forever!!!
Katie and I had been dreading our good-bye for 2 years. I don't know if anyone can truly understand the bond we have with the Dills. It goes beyond friendship. They truly are our brother and sister and we miss them terribly!! The chord is stretched and it hurts!!! (Katie will understand!) It is so strange to have gone from seeing them daily (several times a day) for 2 years to maybe we'll get to see them 2 or 3 times a year if we're lucky. I know that they will be a part of our lives forever and I know that we will see each other as often as we can. I can't wait to go to Texas for a Cowboys game!!!
Our time in Puerto Rico may be finished but we will visit and the memories we made there will last forever.
After a few weeks of exhausting looks at houses and a few heartaches we finally found our home!! We had found what we thought was perfect a week ago (see the last post) but the people weren't very easy to work with. Long story short they countered by only taking $2,000.00 off the price....isn't that what you might do with a car?! We looked again and had 3 choices - in order. This was Friday and we couldn't get in to talk to our loan officer until Monday morning. We decided to take the weekend and not think about the houses until Monday. As we were driving to Minneapolis on Saturday our realtor called and said we had problems. Choice #3 went under contract, choice #2 has an offer in on it,and choice #1 had people looking at it. Uh oh!!!!!!! We talked about it and decided to offer choice #2 their asking price because we know we can afford it and choice #1 was the original house and we knew they wouldn't work with us. So it happened and we now have a house!!! We have an inspection set up for this Thursday at 9:00 am so I will be taking pictures of it empty to post. What a relief to finally have a place to call home! More info later and hopefully some pics. Hope you're having a great summer so far!