Not much is new in the Marsh household. Courtney's been very busy latey with wrestling but that will be over next weekend. This past weekend we had the league tournament which we lost by only 6 points!!! Courtney was pretty upset. We had 2 wrestlers not wrestle: 1 was not feeling well, the other has ring worm but apparently hasn't been treating it which is why it's not gone yet. If either of them woul have come out and wrestled we would have won and been league champs in wrestling. Oh well! This weekend is Regionals in Burlington and then next weekend is State at Hays. I guess we'll know after next weekend what the middle name of our baby boy will be. In case you don't know that story - I made a deal with Courtney's wrestlers. The deal is if we end up with a State champ we will give the baby the middle name Jedi. I know, I know, crazy. Courtney apparently loves that name so his wrestlers love it also. They've been trying to get me talked in to naming our baby Jedi, especially since they know it's a boy. I refused to name it that but then decided we'd make a deal. If anything it's giving them some motivation to wrestle well...we'll see how well next week I guess! The last state champ from PRHS was in the 80's and he is now our head coach. I have a feeling I'm pretty safe but we'll see. A deal is a deal and if someone wins at least our son will have a fun story to tell about his unique middle name, right?! The other deal is if we have 4 state champs the wrestlers get to name the baby - period. I'm pretty certain I'm safe on that bet. Luckily my husband didn't make a deal for this past weekend. He wanted to make a deal that if they got 2nd as a team he would let them shave his head. Thank goodness he never told them the deal! Now if he comes home from practice tonight and he's bald - I'm gonna be pissed! So we'll head back from Hays hopefully next Sunday (Saturday if they don't do too well) and then Courtney starts baseball practice Monday. The weekend after that (first weekend in March) we will hopefully be heading to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to watch Allyn Plattner (our boy from Sabetha) in the College National Wrestling. That will be so exciting!! The weekend after that is our baby shower in Minneapolis which is being thrown by Sharon, Nicole, and my Grandma Butler. Joy will be home that weekend from DC so I want to have it while she's here. She misses a lot being gone and she'll probably miss his birth so I want to her to at least be here for a shower. The weekend after that we have the opera in KC with Clamurro. Whew! We'll be done with things on the weekends after that and instead we'll just have anywhere from 2-4 baseball games a week. Luckily none of them are too far away so I won't have to drive too far. I have a feeling baseball season is going to make the last part of this pregnancy go fast. Baseball lasts from March through the end of May when school will be out. That will mean only 3 weeks until our due date.
I can't believe I'm 5 1/2 months already! I have started being able to feel him move. I think I've been feeling him for a few weeks now but I'm 100% certain I'm feeling him now. I have felt him on the outside only a few times and that just started yesterday. I have to push and can only feel him once or twice a day - Courtney still can't yet. I think once he touches my belly he stops moving. Hopefully that will work to my benefit when I can feel him constantly in the middle of the night! I look forward to sticking my belly in his back to wake him up with the kicking. Maybe then he can touch the belly and make his son calm down.
Yesterday we went shopping in Shawnee Mission and spent way too much money! I decided that I wanted to go buy a backpack for Miller to hopefully help him calm down on walks. Confused? I've seen on The Dog Whisperer that some dogs are naturally working dogs and if they are crazy you can buy a doggie backpack with pockets, put stuff in the pockets (water bottles, etc.), put it on their back and they'll think they're working so they'll chill out. Whenever we put the leash on Miller he goes psycho! I want him to calm down (without needing 30 minutes before a walk to calm down) so I can walk him in the spring and summer and with the baby. I thought maybe he's a working dog so maybe he'll calm down. We went to Wal-Mart, Target, PetSmart, Penneys, etc. and made a whole day of it. We started out to go buy a backpack and spend maybe $50...ha! We spent alot more and had lots more stuff on the way home. I'll try to get a picture of our "working dog" this week to post. I'll probably take a belly picture this week, too, so be checking back for that.
Hope everyone has a great week - be sure to check back in a 2 weeks to see if we know the middle name of our boy!