The Marsh Family
Saturday, May 30, 2009
School's Out for Summer!!
School is officially out for the summer for both me and Courtney!! Woo whoo!! We finished up yesterday and had a busy afternoon after school was out. We went to a retirement get together for our good friend, Carol, who is retiring from Patton. Courtney taught with her the last time we were here and she really took him under her wing. We've stayed in touch with her and her family so her daughters invited us to her party. Her daughter, Carrie, gave us a bunch of baby stuff too. She gave us a rocker, a car seat, base & stroller, a car seat for when he's older and can be front facing, lots of bedding, lots of videos & a breast pump. She saved us lots of money with that pump!! (Just what you all wanted to know, huh?!) This last week also saw my baby shower at the school. I had a joint shower with Gretchen who is an OT at my school and Courtney & I had birthing class with her. She is due on Wednesday so we are anxiously awaiting her news! Our shower was awesome!! I got so many gift cards, diapers, clothes, bottle stuff that we wanted, books, etc... Mom came to the shower and she and Dad got us the seat that I've been wanting. It's a bouncy/vibrating seat but it's elevated so it's right at couch level so you don't have to bend over to pick up the baby. That will be so nice!! A week ago Mom & I went shopping all day and got my hair cut while Courtney was in Eureka for his twin nieces' 1st birthday party. Then last Sunday Courtney and I bought ourselves a new washing machine for our Anniversary. It's a front loading energy efficient washer and it's so nice! Monday was our 7th wedding Anniversary! I can't believe we've been married for 7 years now. It seems like just yesterday. We really didn't do anything for Anniversary but go out for dinner. I had a rough day because I think I did too much over the weekend. I'm trying to take it easy but it's hard. I am having problems with having limitations right now. Luckily that will all be better (well, it will start getting better) in just a few short weeks! We are so ready for the baby to get here!! I have an appointment on Tuesday afternoon and we're hoping to get a sonogram to check his size and how he's laying. I feel him every day at the top of my belly and it has to be his back. If that's the case then he is laying sideways which is not good. Don't be too surprised if I end up with a scheduled c-section in the next few weeks. Right now I am not getting my hopes up for anything and I'm not anticipating anything either. Whatever's going to happen will happen and he'll be here when he's supposed to be....I just hope it's soon!!! Who knows - maybe my next update will include birthday pictures!!! Here are some pictures from our shower this week. As you can see Gretchen has not gained near as much weight as I have and she doesn't appear to be swollen like I am. Eewww!! I do not like the swelling AT ALL!! Have a great week and stay cool - it's 93 degrees here right now!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Latest....
I had another Dr. appointment yesterday and left a little confused. Last week my bp was elevated a bit and yesterday it was basically the same but he's not concerned now. I lost 1 pound (yahoo!!!) from last week which basically says to me that for the last 3 appointments my weight gains have been water weight. At least that will be easy to lose, right?! He also said he thinks the little guy is heads down now which is good. Hopefully he's right - I would HATE to go through labor and then end up with a c-section!! Apparently the lump I've been feeling in my ribs is his little butt and not his head. He even said I don't need to come back next week but I can wait 2 weeks. He said that since it's my first he doesn't think I'll be dilated by 37 weeks and my next appointment will put me at 37 1/2 weeks. I'm hoping to prove him wrong and be dilated at my next appointment!! Come on baby, work with Mommy!! I was told by 2 different colleagues today that he has dropped and pants are being difficult to keep up in the right place. I don't think very many people expect me to make it until the due date which I would be fine with. Just let me get through school (over next Friday! yay!) and then I'm good with him arriving early. The longer we have with him this summer the better! That's about all I know right now - I'll let you know if there are any more updates. Be sure to play our game at the top!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mother's Day Fun!
I finally uploaded the pictures I took at our Mother's Day BBQ last Saturday. It was nice to have Grandma Butler & Aunt Kim up in this area for a weekend. They came over with Mom & Dad and the Bridges family came over for dinner. Courtney and I had a busy day of cleaning, laundry, buying baby stuff from a friend (Thanks Michelle!) and shopping for our BBQ. On Friday the Mom's of my students came for a "Mother's Day Tea Party". The class spent the week making books & hats for their Moms. The hats turned out so beautiful that I decided to make one for the Moms that were going to be at my house on Saturday. I gave them to the Moms Saturday and made them wear them long enough for pictures....then we got silly....

We finally finished the curtains for the nursery closet. In case you haven't heard our fiasco...we have no doors on the closet in the nursery so I decided to make some Snoopy curtains to go with the room. Travis Noon suggested we make curtains to look like Charlie Brown's shirt....brilliant!! I found the perfect yellowy orangey fabric over my spring break and sewed them to fit - not too bad for my first time sewing, I might add. Courtney tried to spray paint the zig zags on one curtain when he had a day off from school but the spray paint went crazy and got all over. Plus it made the fabric crunchy. Well - I got new fabric last week and sewed the curtain again and Courtney and I painted the zig zags with fabric paint. I finished the 2nd one up today and hung them. They look adorable!! I love them in the room!! Thank you, Travis, for such a great idea! The nursery is basically done - the last load of baby clothes that we have is in the wash right now. I thought for the longest time that we had too many clothes but now it doesn't look like so many! I can't believe that in 5 weeks or so we will have a little man to fill the nursery - that's all that's missing!
We finally finished the curtains for the nursery closet. In case you haven't heard our fiasco...we have no doors on the closet in the nursery so I decided to make some Snoopy curtains to go with the room. Travis Noon suggested we make curtains to look like Charlie Brown's shirt....brilliant!! I found the perfect yellowy orangey fabric over my spring break and sewed them to fit - not too bad for my first time sewing, I might add. Courtney tried to spray paint the zig zags on one curtain when he had a day off from school but the spray paint went crazy and got all over. Plus it made the fabric crunchy. Well - I got new fabric last week and sewed the curtain again and Courtney and I painted the zig zags with fabric paint. I finished the 2nd one up today and hung them. They look adorable!! I love them in the room!! Thank you, Travis, for such a great idea! The nursery is basically done - the last load of baby clothes that we have is in the wash right now. I thought for the longest time that we had too many clothes but now it doesn't look like so many! I can't believe that in 5 weeks or so we will have a little man to fill the nursery - that's all that's missing!
Nothing to post just thought this was funny...
Today is Friday, May 15th, 2009. I am 35 weeks pregnant and have 35 days to go until our little man is due. Isn't that funny?! Do you get it?! 35 weeks - 35 days....get it?! I thought it was funny.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I am still waiting on our maternity photos. We have seen them online but I'm waiting to post them until I have the CD. (Online they have PROOF written across them.) I will upload some as soon as I get them! :)
Well, I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and it went, well, it went...that's all. I have been noticing quite a bit of swelling lately but yesterday it was very bad. Yesterday morning I tried to put on a necklace that Joy gave me for Christmas and it was too tight. I also wasn't feeling him move as much so I went in for my appointment and told the nurse & Doctor. The nurse weighed me and I had gained 7 lbs. in 2 weeks!!! WHAT?!?! Then she checked my blood pressure and it was elevated a little - nothing major. When the Doctor came in we talked and he said my weight gain was all water weight - which I've been trying to tell him for a few weeks now. Then he checked for the heartbeat and it was faint and not in the same place as it usually is. The lady at the 3D ultrasound a few weeks ago said he was heads up and apparently she's right! He kept making funny faces while he was listening for the heartbeat which freaked me out. He said that the next time he checks me if he gets the heartbeat in the same place he'll do a sonogram and after that if it's still in the same spot he'll take him by c-section. I don't know if that meant he would take him at that time (I will by 37 weeks by then which is full term) or he would schedule a day. Either way I would be fine with it!! He asked how much longer I have in school and I told him 2 weeks. His reply was, "Really? Two FULL weeks?" I took that as him not being very happy about that because then he said, "You are to do nothing on the weekends. 48 hours of nothing!" So he said he would see me in a few weeks and then he looked at my blood pressure and decided I should start coming in every week. He had me go home and do a "kick count" after dinner because I told him I wasn't feeling him very much yesterday. If I failed I needed to go to the hospital to be monitored. He told me if I had any questions or concerns to call the office. So I did the kick count last night and passed. This morning I got up and wasn't feeling him that much so I called the office and was told to go to Labor & Delivery to be hooked up. Courtney & I met there and everything is fine. They did a non-stress test on me which is hooking you up to a monitor to measure the heart rate and I had to click a handle thingy every time I felt him. I didn't feel him that much but his heart rate seemed fine. I was hooked up for about 30 minutes and then told I could leave. Since the Dr. decided that I needed to have "bed rest" on the weekends and he didn't seem thrilled that I still had so much time left in school I got scared that he might put me on bed rest for the rest of the school year so....I decided to take tomorrow & Friday off to try to get things to go down. I wasn't expecting to have to leave in the middle of the day today too for a test so I have to go to the school tonight to get things ready. Ah - the life of an 8 1/2 month pregnant lady! I'm sure everything is fine and will continue to be fine - we might just get to see the little guy earlier than we thought! :)
Well, I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and it went, well, it went...that's all. I have been noticing quite a bit of swelling lately but yesterday it was very bad. Yesterday morning I tried to put on a necklace that Joy gave me for Christmas and it was too tight. I also wasn't feeling him move as much so I went in for my appointment and told the nurse & Doctor. The nurse weighed me and I had gained 7 lbs. in 2 weeks!!! WHAT?!?! Then she checked my blood pressure and it was elevated a little - nothing major. When the Doctor came in we talked and he said my weight gain was all water weight - which I've been trying to tell him for a few weeks now. Then he checked for the heartbeat and it was faint and not in the same place as it usually is. The lady at the 3D ultrasound a few weeks ago said he was heads up and apparently she's right! He kept making funny faces while he was listening for the heartbeat which freaked me out. He said that the next time he checks me if he gets the heartbeat in the same place he'll do a sonogram and after that if it's still in the same spot he'll take him by c-section. I don't know if that meant he would take him at that time (I will by 37 weeks by then which is full term) or he would schedule a day. Either way I would be fine with it!! He asked how much longer I have in school and I told him 2 weeks. His reply was, "Really? Two FULL weeks?" I took that as him not being very happy about that because then he said, "You are to do nothing on the weekends. 48 hours of nothing!" So he said he would see me in a few weeks and then he looked at my blood pressure and decided I should start coming in every week. He had me go home and do a "kick count" after dinner because I told him I wasn't feeling him very much yesterday. If I failed I needed to go to the hospital to be monitored. He told me if I had any questions or concerns to call the office. So I did the kick count last night and passed. This morning I got up and wasn't feeling him that much so I called the office and was told to go to Labor & Delivery to be hooked up. Courtney & I met there and everything is fine. They did a non-stress test on me which is hooking you up to a monitor to measure the heart rate and I had to click a handle thingy every time I felt him. I didn't feel him that much but his heart rate seemed fine. I was hooked up for about 30 minutes and then told I could leave. Since the Dr. decided that I needed to have "bed rest" on the weekends and he didn't seem thrilled that I still had so much time left in school I got scared that he might put me on bed rest for the rest of the school year so....I decided to take tomorrow & Friday off to try to get things to go down. I wasn't expecting to have to leave in the middle of the day today too for a test so I have to go to the school tonight to get things ready. Ah - the life of an 8 1/2 month pregnant lady! I'm sure everything is fine and will continue to be fine - we might just get to see the little guy earlier than we thought! :)
Friday, May 08, 2009
Who Wants To Play A Game?
As you can see at the top of this BLOG - I've added a game!! You can guess the gender (duh!), due date and size of our baby. Come play with us!! I even made the first guess so don't be shy! I wonder who will have the best guess!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Baby Boy Marsh
I finally remembered to bring not only the CD home but also my computer from school home tonight! Yay me!! Here are a few shots of our little man we were able to see. In case you don't remember what happened on Saturday - please see the previous post. I hope you can make out his face. See the chubby Johnson cheeks?!

Sunday, May 03, 2009
Baby Day - May 2, 2009 - To Be Continued.....
Well we had baby day yesterday - sort of! We had a great photo session and are anxiously awaiting our pictures. They should be online sometime this week and we will probably have the CD this week also. The problem?! Our home computer is a piece of junk and won't read CDs! So I will have to bring my school computer home to upload photos on here. Trust me though, as soon as Courtney tells me he has the CD I will be bringing the computer home! After our pictures we went to Belly Image in Lenexa and attempted our 3D/4D ultrasound. Here's some clarification - a 3D ultrasound is the actual pictures which are much more detailed than the kind you get with the Doctor. A 4D ultrasound is the actual movement. It's the same details as the 3D but moving. We got our CD with 3D pictures and our DVD with the 4D movements but our boy is apparently stubborn. We didn't see him much at all. The tech discovered that I have an anterior placenta so instead of attaching at the back and the baby growing in front of my placenta mine attached at the front and he is growing behind it. So he was hiding his face and wouldn't move! He is also still head up. If he were head down it wouldn't have been much of a problem because he wouldn't be hiding but he is apparently pretty comfy where he is! We did get a few good face shots which again I will need to upload from my school computer this week. He has the chubbiest cheeks!! The lady said she thinks he will be petite...and then she showed us a foot which in her words was BIG! I think he'll be long and skinny with big feet....hmmmm, wonder who his dad is?! We did get confirmation that he IS a boy. He was being a little shy but we did get to see his, um, goods?! I just can't wait for him to get here. Just over 6 weeks - although I'm hoping it will be less! I just want to get through school (over on the 29th!) and then he can come. I know, I know, I shouldn't get my hopes up cuz he'll come when he's supposed to but you know me....impatient! We are ready for his arrival any time now! Anyway - I don't know a lot I just thought I'd let everyone know what was going on with pictures. I will post them this week - I promise!
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