The Marsh Family

The Marsh Family

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Last Several Weeks...

We have had a crazy busy last several weeks since Cael's birthday. I've been tutoring 3 days a week for 2 hours each day. Next week I will tutor for 3 hours 2 days a week so that will be interesting. Cael has been going to daycare 3 days a week. I hate that he's having to go to daycare during the summer but if we have to pay for it he's going to go! And it has been kind of nice because we've been able to get lots of things done without interruption.

We've expected a lot of Mr. Boy in the last couple of weeks, too. But he has been a trooper as usual! Last weekend we drove to Minneapolis on Friday afternoon which is a 3 hour drive. The next morning we drove 4 hours to Meade for the funeral of my Great Uncle Sid. I needed to be there because he was also my Godfather & he & Great Aunt Norma always made an effort to come see my things. They came to my high school graduation & then again for my wedding. It was nice for Cael to get to meet some relatives, too. Driving for that long means he did not take a nap. He slept for about 45 minutes after the lunch and that was it. On the way home we stopped in Larned for him to meet the Johnsons. He did sleep for the last 2 hours of our trip but still that was 8 hours in a car in 1 day - poor baby! Here's a picture of Cael with his Great Great Aunt Norma.

Here's a picture of us before we left to come home & then one of the cousins that were there.

This is Cael on Sunday morning eating his first powder sugar donut. Yum!

Cael has been doing better with sleeping longer at night but now he is having night terrors! They are awful! It is heartbreaking to watch him go through them. That is why I'm up blogging & have been since 6:30 this morning. He woke up having one at 12:30 and then again at 6:00. That's the first time he's had 2 in one night. I hope he grows out of them soon!! We head back to Minneapolis tonight to see the Dills!!! They are on their way to Colorado & South Dakota so they're going to make a pit stop here. We'll be with them until Friday evening & we can't wait!! We'll finally get to see Hattie & Cael together....will it be love at first sight?! Stay tuned for pictures!

1 year pictures

I had to rush Amy to get Cael's 1 year pictures done because of a project I was working on. There weren't as many good pictures of Mr. Boy this go round because he was pretty cranky that day. Poor guy!

Stair Master

I am convinced that Cael knows how to walk but he doesn't feel like it yet. I think this video proves that I am right. How can he walk up the stairs but he can't walk on his own?! Yeah and now we have to get a gate for our downstairs because he's discovered the lower flight of stairs....and can walk up those, too!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The awesomeness that was the light saber cake...

I know I've been talking it up for months so I had to deliver. Joy & I spent a LONG time on Saturday & Sunday making 2 light saber cakes for Mr. Boy's party. I, of course, took pictures to show everyone. Are you ready for this? It might just blow your mind!!

Ready for the oven.

What do you do while waiting for cakes to bake? You cheese it up that's what!

Success!!!! Now the hard part...

Getting it out wasn't as hard as we thought it would be!!

Getting the pan ready for the 2nd cake....will it work?!

Light saber #2 in the oven with Cael's individual cake. We had extra batter so that's why there are 3 cakes on top.

I didn't get a picture of the 2 cakes lined up before we frosted them because I'm stupid like that. Anyway - here are pictures of the cake frosting in action & the final product. Did I mention it was yummy, too?!

Cael's birthday party

Well, we survived Cael's first birthday & his first birthday party. I really don't have many pictures at all because Amy was there taking them for me. She got lots of pictures of him eating his cake. She got a few of him with his presents but to be honest Courtney & I opened most of them. Cael was more interested in seeing who was there & cruising around. It rained the day before and the morning of his party so we ended up doing it in our garage. That was probably the best place for it. Our final head count at the party was 51. 51!!! Can you believe it?!? 51 people at a party for a 1 year old!!! My son already knows 51 people?!?! Wow!

Things went great at his party! Joy & I made the light saber cakes (post dedicated completely to that coming up!) and they turned out fabulous...if I do say so myself. We had a BBQ with family at 11:30 and Cael took a nap just before that like I wanted him to. Then he fell asleep for a little nap in between the BBQ & his party at 3:00. The party was a little rushed because it was so stinkin' hot but it was great. We stripped Cael to his diaper & let him dive into his cake. Then we let everyone else eat cake. Thank goodness my mom & Joy made 3 more cakes or we might not have had enough! We ended up having 1 yellow light saber cake, 1 chocolate light saber cake, 1 lemon cake, 1 apricot cake & 1 chocolate cookie sheet cake. PLUS 2 tubs of ice cream!! We really didn't have that much left over either. We tried to make Yoda cookies on Saturday but it was a failure! We used sugar cookie dough which rises too much. They looked great before they were put in the oven. By the time they got out of the oven you couldn't see his face at all. So we ended up not making cookies. Oh well!

I'll post his 1 year pix & party pix when I get them from Amy!

Dad making cookies for the first time & our Yoda...before the oven took his face away!

Cael cruising in his new wagon from Granddad & Grandma Marsh.

Checking out cousin KayLynn.

Cael can have his cake & eat it too!!

Mommy & Daddy opening Cael's presents & Courtney's friend Chad holding Cael. Apparently Chad doesn't hold babies much so Courtney had them take a picture.

Play us a song you're the piano man!! Cool Aunt Joy got Cael his first piano! I don't know why he insists on standing up to play it.

A Very Hooters Birthday...

Since Cael wasn't feeling very well on his actual birthday we decided to take him out for his birthday dinner at Hooters the day after. The waitress was very nice & she took him right up to the front so they could sing to him. He doesn't mind big crowds of people but it takes him a while to warm up. He looks a little scared but he did great!! And of course we had to get him a t-shirt that says, "Sorry. I only date Hooters girls." I think we should get Hattie a shirt that say "Hooters Girl"...what do you think, Kate?