Let's see - last weekend I went to a couponing class in KC with Kelly from Kansas City Mamas. I learned some really great info! While I was at class Cael & Courtney were with mom & dad picking up Cool Aunt Joy from the airport. Jizzle was here for a week and just left yesterday. She stayed with Cael for a day last week. They had a blast!!!
Here are a few pix that were taken, I can't remember when. One day Cael decided he wanted to use the camera so we helped him out.
Some pictures from the day Jizzle flew in from DC. Cael LOVES to mess with the camera & took some self portraits...oh my that kid!
Seriously - is this not the most beautiful picture ever???!!!!
Damn, we do good work!
Cael's self portraits.
Our very own Handy Cael!
Can you fix it??
He sure is a great catch!
Courtney & I have both started school. I had my first day back at work on August 1 :( and first day with kiddos on the 9th. Courtney just started with kids on the 17th. I think it's going to be a pretty good year for both of us! Courtney is coaching cross country again this year which means he is gone....a lot! Oh well, it's worth the money! PRHS football starts with it's preview this coming Friday so we're excited about that. We get our new fancy schmancy windows installed tomorrow. I can't wait!!! I took before pix today so I'll try to get after pix tomorrow & get them up. I think that's about it for now. I better go feed Mr. Boy....he is CRANKY!!!!