The Marshes do-over continues... After our trip on the "Johnny Boat" we decided to drive to Cabo Rojo to see the lighthouse. El faro (the lighthouse) is the southwestern most point on the island. The lighthouse was constructed by the Spanish in the 1800's and is still in use today. You drive to Cabo Rojo and take a very bumpy dirt road until you think you're lost and have gone too far. Then you have to park your car and walk a good mile or so to see the lighthouse. From the lighthouse you can walk to the edge of the island and look down at least 100 ft to the ocean below. The limestone cliffs are amazing! Courtney walked pretty close to the edge several times which freaked me out. I couldn't very well continue our romantic weekend without my husband! While we were walking along the edge we saw a little island in the water where several pelicans were hanging out. We spent quite a bit of time trying to throw rocks at them. I, of course, throw like a girl (imagine that!) and my rocks didn't go very far and the pelicans were probably laughing at my attempts to scare them away. Courtney got close several times and one pelican eventually flew away. Ha! Gotcha you little booger! While we were there Courtney had to call Travis to talk to him about the limestone cliffs. Courtney and Travis enjoy rocks and things like that so he had to share. I decided Travis might like a picture of Courtney standing out on the limestone cliffs edge and held my breath as he walked out for his picture. You'll all be happy to know he did not fall, all of his body parts are in tact, and he's still living! We left Cabo Rojo and headed towards El Combate to see what we could see. We found the beach known as El Combate (the combat) Beach. According to ancestral legend it is named so because of the salt mine industry in the 1500's. The salt mines were the envy of neighboring towns and eventually there was a sneak attack by the people of one of the jealous towns. Well, the townspeople were waiting for them with hatchets and fought them off. Now the beach and it's neighboring area where the battle took place is known as the beach of the combat or El Combate. We found the Combate Beach Hotel and Restaurant. They had a pretty nice room open so we took it. You can walk to the beach from the hotel so we headed there. We weren't too impressed by that beach, in fact we were pretty disappointed and instead went to the hotel's pool. While we were in the pool it started raining. We didn't think anything of it because, hey, we were already wet! It started pouring rain so we decided to move somewhere dry. We moved our cooler & things into this little building beside the pool. We were sitting there drinking when 2 people sitting in front of their hotel room waved us over. We walked over and met Wilson & Candy. They were on vacation at El Combate. We ended up sitting and talking with them for a few hours and went out to dinner together. Then we met up this morning to go to the beach. rained so much last night the walkway to the beach was flooded! We decided instead to hang out in the pool again. It started raining again and that's when we decided to leave. We got their number and e-mail and are supposed to get in touch with them the next time we head to San Juan which is where they live and work. We got home today about 3:00 to our very happy dogs. The Dills were nice enough to take care of them for us while we were out playing. All in all it was a great weekend. We enjoyed our do-over and got some much needed time to be just the 2 of us. Enjoy the pictures of our trip and new friends!
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