I just thought these were some fun pictures that I haven't posted yet. I had never seen a jelly fish before and really had no idea what they looked like. When Brent's parents were here we went to our friend Jorge's beach (that's what we call it at least) and Courtney and I saw this purple inflated thing. Courtney tried to pop it with a stick but it wouldn't. Then we saw this couple carrying one on some leaves and then we saw a tiny one...they all looked the same! We finally went to get Brent's dad, Rick, because he's a vet and we figured he'd know. We found out they were all jelly fish. There have been so many around these beaches lately. Clate had a friend in town this past weekend and they went to Vieques to the bio bay. Aubrey got into the water to swim around and got a jelly fish wrapped around her leg! When she got out they poured vinegar on it and had to pull the tenticles out! Gross! Anyway - here's a picture of one of them from Jorge's beach. I had no idea that's what they looked like! The other picture is Courtney & I snorkeling. We took a self portrait underwater with our underwater camera. It was difficult but we did it...looks pretty good, don't ya think? Have a great rest of the week! :)

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