We definitely love, and get our fill of, 3 day weekends here in Puerto Rico! We actually got a 4 day weekend because they cancelled school for students on Friday. We have a new Internet program where parents can check information, assignments, etc., and they've added the new feature of grades. We had to go to school on Friday to learn how to post the grades and send them to parents. Mind you this could have lasted 2 hours, 3 at the most, and we all would have been pros but oh no, not at GPS, YOU MUST GO ALL DAY!! After school on Friday we went to Salinas to check out a new bar & grill that opened that night. We had a good time - as usual - and ended it by coming to Casa Benny for more drinks and karaoke. On Saturday we did our usual of house cleaning, laundry, etc., before heading to a friend's house in the mountains of Patillas. She has a nice little pool so we swam, ate lasagna made with plantains instead of noodles (delicious), ate Mom's lemon cake (it was a huge hit!), and played Dominoes. It was a very Puerto Rican night...we had Rum, salsa music playing, and Dominoes. We headed home and decided to save our day trip until Monday so we could sleep in on Sunday. Yesterday Katie and I did some shopping and I bought a new Karaoke game...I know I am obsessed! We ended up karaoking most of the night before going to bed to get up early this am. Courtney and I went to Cabo Rojo (to the southern most tip of PR) last October for my birthday but the Dills had never been. None of us had ever been to San German which is the 2nd oldest city in PR so we took a little drive. We stopped first in San German to see the architecture. We particularly wanted to see a museum that was built originally as a church in 1606. It now houses a religious art museum. We also wanted to see their plaza which we heard was lovely and a famous bridge called Puente de Bolas or, in English, the Bridge of Balls. We saw the buildings and asked for directions to the ball bridge...we found it right away and were ssssoooooooo.....disappointed. It was 4 posts with a ball on top of each one and the bridge itself was about 5 feet long. It was also right in front of Burger King. Here are some pics from San German...
The Religious Art Museum
Beautiful street in the plaza, stained glass window, and our signature pose with an inanimate object.

CABO ROJO: I took many more pictures at the lighthouse where there are beautiful cliffs but I took them with my other camera. The last time we were at the lighthouse we could see a beach and found how to get to it but it was so dirty. This time we decided to make the trek and go to the beach. It was crowded but the water felt great! We swam for a while and then the sky got dark and there was thunder and lightening so we decided to leave. The walk back to our car was lovely...what a great aroma we smelled! I took a picture of the issue...the salt flats around the beach. On the drive home we figured out that PR has no ditches so there is no place for the water to drain when it rains. Therefore we drove through numerous puddles which made our trip a tad longer. Oh well! We got home a few hours ago and have to get ready for school tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!

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