We had a busy last week and weekend as Courtney's cousin Dustin finally married his woman. Dustin and Monica got together a month before Courtney and I did in 1994 (can you believe it?)and 14 years and 1 son later they got married on July 26, 2008. We went to Salina last Wednesday and stayed with Courtney's dad and step-mom. On Thursday was the bachelor party. The bachelor went home by 11:00 and, of course, my hubby, his dad, and his cousin Curtis partied without him until 1:00. You know me - I can't sleep if my husband is gone so I stayed up and waited. I think I forgot to mention that we are babysitting Curt's dog, Cricket, because he's getting ready to head to Colorado Springs to taxidermy school (I know - what?!). We took all 3 dogs home so when Curtis showed up at Calvin's we were anxious to see Cricket's reaction. Yeah she's pretty pissed at him! She would walk over by him and then keep on walking to me or Courtney. Imagine what she'll be like in October/November when he gets home and comes to get her! Friday morning came way too early and the dogs were anxious to get outside so I was up by 7:30 after getting to bed at 2:00. We ran all around doing random things on Friday and then had rehearsal that night. Saturday we helped Dustin get their 900 beers (yes, 900!!!) on ice and then drove him to Minneapolis to get ready for the wedding. He was actually pretty smart to get can beer because what happens if you don't drink all of a keg? Anyone? That's right - it goes flat! Now can beer on the other hand you can put in the fridge and drink as you want. How smart! We were at the church in time for pictures and I ran around taking all sorts of pics (I may quit my teaching to become a photographer....) and then I videotaped the wedding and parts of the reception. Yesterday we came home and went to bed early because Courtney started a conference this morning in Olathe. I start meetings tomorrow (thank goodness they're only half day!) and I start with kids 2 weeks from today - the summer's over already?!?! I'm pretty damn stressed right now because my classroom is filled with boxes and furniture from the preschool class that has been there for 2 years. I can't even get to my stuff yet!! How can I get ready for the school year??? I guess I'll figure it out!! Here are some pics I took at the wedding. Let me know if anyone needs pictures done - I won't charge too much...
Word of advice: never tell Courtney your room number for your wedding night!
I love this picture of Dustin and Grandma Charlotte!
Thank goodness they didn't let him escape.
No, you're not seeing things. The ushers (Curtis in blue) wore the tuxedos from Dumb and Dumber!
One of my favorite pictures!
My, my, who are these lovely people?!
Fourteen years for both of these couples!
Me & Nicole Noon hanging out at the reception.
I stole this picture of Alta from Nicole's computer...isn't she pretty?
I also have a new cousin!! David and Jen Cole welcomed #3 on Friday morning. Courtney and I saw him that morning. His name is Walker Curtis Cole and he weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was 19" long. Jen is the master of giving birth: induced at 8:00, started pushing at 10:28, had the baby at 10:31. I told her to knock it off and give someone else a turn!
1 comment:
Man I look good in Blue.
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