Last weekend was my first baby shower!! The shower was on Saturday but that's not when the excitement began... On Friday Courtney went to Minneapolis to help Dad out because they finally sold their house (yahoo!!). Mom came to stay with me that night so we could go pick Joy up at the airport on Saturday morning before driving to Minneapolis. We ate dinner, went shopping and watched a movie before heading to bed. I decided to take a bath and that's what I was doing at about 10:00 when the doorbell rang - twice - not your normal ring but a crazy ring. I put on my robe and Mom came out of her bedroom and we were yelling, "Who is it?" We could hear a woman talking frantically and I thought it was Amanda. I was nervous that something had happened to Jim at work so I flew down the stairs and opened the door. It wasn't Amanda. It was a woman and her daughter freaking out asking if we had dogs and if they could come in. After a few seconds we let them in because she started screaming that her boyfriend had just beaten her up! She was on the phone with 911 by this time and now her daughter was in the door hugging me. Now her boyfriend's pit bull was at our door! I called Jim because I was freaked out and didn't want to wait for the cops to come in case her boyfriend showed up. After an hour the cops had come and gone to arrest the boyfriend and the EMTs showed up to take them to the hospital to get checked out. I've never been so happy to get rid of company in my life! We were actually be able to get some sleep and then got up the next morning to go get Joy. While we were both showering the doorbell rang its crazy ring again!! By the time we could get to the door whoever was there was gone - thank goodness!
We drove the airport and got Joy about 11:00 and then drove to Minneapolis. We got there about 2:30 and the shower was to start at 4:00. By the time Joy & I got there there were lots of people there. There was a Peanuts sign on the door welcoming everyone to the party and then a big Snoopy with a sign saying, "Kisses for the baby!!" at the door into the cafeteria. So cute! The Snoopy & sign are going up on the wall in the nursery because it's too cute and my Grandma Butler made it! Inside were 2 tables put together filled with gifts for our boy. He is so spoiled already!! I don't have pictures from the shower because my camera was accidentally left in the car :( but my Mom videotaped it and I know other people took pictures. I will get them up later. Baby Boy got lots of cute clothes from newborn to 12 months, blankets, diapers, the stroller, monitors, frames, etc... We also played a game where we had to add coins to a HUGE piggy bank that Nicole decorated with Snoopy. My Dad and I counted the money afterwards and he had $28.00 in coins - I know he's up to over $30 now because I've added more change this week. We put everything in the back of Dad's suburban and it was packed! On Sunday we all drove to Leavenworth and unloaded everything. We ended up going through everything again to make sure it was all written down and to organize it into some boxes for storing. We ended up with 1 big box filled with clothes, 1 filled with diapers, etc. and lots of stuff had to go into the closet because it was already in boxes. Luckily my Dad was here to help Courtney get everything from our purple bedroom unloaded because Courtney was off for Spring Break this last week and he was going to work on the nursery!
While I was working all week Courtney spent every day working on our boy's nursery! It turned out so nice!! He did have a few setbacks but nothing too major. All we are missing now is a changing table, a dresser, a mattress, some decorating things and...oh yeah! A BABY!!! This could make the next 3 months go 1 of 2 ways: 1 - it could go fast because it's not that much time until he arrives; or 2 - it could go soooo slow because the nursery is done and now I'll have to see it every day! I hope it goes quickly! We are anxious for him to arrive!!
We also started our birthing classes this week! We will go to the hospital every Wednesday for the next 6 weeks from 7:15-9:15 to learn everything we ever wanted to know about pregnancy and giving birth. It wasn't too bad but I am hoping it gets better. All we did were introductions, watched a video of a comedian talking about his first child being born, took a break and then our husband's gave us massages and we left. Next week we're supposed to bring pillows and a blanket so maybe we'll get a massage and then take a nap!! All the husband's, of course, tried to act like they were being forced to be there. Whatever!!! I told mine he didn't have to go and he made the choice for himself. We'll see what happens this week - probably a yucky video that I don't want to watch!!
Let's see...what else happened?! Oh yeah - we got a NICE convertible crib for free!! One of the aides at my school had a crib from when her daughters were born that she wanted to get rid of so we took it. We actually got it thinking we'd keep it until we got the one we registered for or until we bought one. Well, it's nice enough we won't need to get another one! I am so happy! She has saved us lots of time, money and headaches!!
Here are a few pictures from our last week. Enjoy!
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