First of all we need to apologize to Trish & her family for not calling while we were in Texas. We're sorry guys!!! It was such a fast trip - we barely had any time!Okay - now on to our trip. Last Friday we left KC at 9:00 pm to fly to Dallas. We were supposed to leave at 7:05 but didn't get off until 9 because of weather all day in Dallas. We got to Dallas around 10:40 and I knew we were meant to be there. How you ask?! As soon as we got off of the plane we saw the most beautiful site...the Dallas Cowboys store and a huge Cowboys helmet!! I knew we were supposed to be there! Then on the way to the Dill's we passed Kelly Blvd. and Marsh Lane. Are we supposed to move to Texas?!
We got to Sachse where Brent & Katie live around 11:30 that night. We stayed up with the Dills until about 1:45 or so Saturday morning looking at Miss Hattie and talking. It's so funny how things just fall in to place when we are together. This time it was only about 3 months in between visits so it wasn't too bad at all - in fact, it went so fast!! Katie's parents left Saturday morning so we didn't get to see them (they stayed at Sara's house). On Saturday we got up and did a little shopping at the garage sales in their subdivision. I got a bag of baby clothes, a mirror for the car for baby, a car seat & base for Courtney's car and a Boppy pillow and 3 covers. We looked at a changing table but knew we didn't have enough room in the suburban on the way home. We finally got to meet Sara & the famous Marina. It was so funny to finally meet them because we feel like we already know them. Sara even sounded the way I imagined!! Mom & Dad came over for a few hours and we had a nice visit and dinner. Then we got up Sunday morning and drove home at 9:30. It was such a fast trip!
Miss Hattie Jean is such a good girl! She slept most of the time unless she was eating. I just sat there watching Kate & Brent with her for a while because it was such a different site. It's strange to see someone with their first child! I'm sure people will be saying the same about us in about 8 weeks... Here are some pictures from our trip. We miss them of course already but we know we'll see them sometime this summer.