The Marsh Family

The Marsh Family

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Special Easter Delivery...

Well, Kate finally went into labor on her own and had Miss Hattie today!!! I don't know a ton of details but I do know she was supposed to go to the hospital this afternoon if nothing had happened and they were going to make something happen. Last night she went into labor (finally!) and I got a text at 8 am today saying she was dilated to a 5. At about 12:30 we got a message saying they were going to do a c-section because Hattie's heart rate was up. She was pretty stressed by the whole ordeal! She must have been born around 1:00 or so this afternoon. I have a picture on my cell phone but I'm not going to post any until next weekend because we fly down there on Friday. I can't wait!! So I guess it was a Happy Easter after all!!


Dancer in DC said...

That's neat - send on our well-wishes!

Nicole Noon said...

I know we don't know them, but tell them that April 12th is a WONDERFUL day to have a baby!!!