Tomorrow is Grandparent's Day!! Lucky Cael gets to spend his first Grandparent's Day with his Grammie Dana & Papa Dubbie while Mommy & Daddy go to the opera with Tio Bill.
Cael is a very lucky boy to have such amazing Grandparents. I know all of them waited patiently for a first biological grandchild and they feel blessed to have Cael. A few weeks ago we were out to dinner with my Mom & Dad and Mom and I were taking Cael to the bathroom to change his diaper. A table of women asked if they were selling those cute babies at the restaurant and Mom said no. She then told her how she had to wait 7 years for this one! Ha!
Grammie Dana & Papa Dubbie loves to spend as much time with Cael as they can. It has been so wonderful having them live so close. The second night we were home alone with Cael he just wasn't acting right. At midnight we called my Mom because we were scared and she drove the 40 minutes to our house in the pouring rain (I believe there was even a tornado watch) to be with us. Grammie & Papa have watched Cael a few times at their house overnight and have stayed here a few times with him. I think he was worth the wait!
Granddad Calvin & Grandma Donna are awesome grandparents too! Courtney called Granddad Calvin at 1:00 and 3:00 in the morning when I was in labor and when Cael was born. He couldn't wait to share the news with his Dad. They drove up to Kansas City that day and spent 5 days with us. They were so wonderful about taking care of our house, our dogs and us. Grandad Calvin even went and helped Grammie & Papa move into their new apartment so Courtney could stay at the hospital with us and bring us home! It meant so much to us to have them there those first days.
We of course are missing someone who would have been a wonderful Grandma. Cael has a picture of Grandma Shirley in his room on a shelf near his rocking chair. Some nights when I am rocking him to sleep he will pull his head up and I swear he's looking at her picture. We talk about Grandma Shirley and how much she would have loved him. And when he's looking at her picture we say, "I love you Grandma Shirley." Courtney & I wrote a book for him about her and we will read it to him so he will know his Grandma. We will make sure he always knows what an amazing woman she was and he will know she is watching over him. How special is that that he has his own Angel to watch over him?!
Lucky Cael has a few Great Grandmas too! He has Great Grandma Butler, Great Grandma Parsons & Great Grandma Hoard. All of his Great Grandmas have been up here to see him and he's of course been to see them back home. Even though those women have several Great Grandchildren already they still adore Cael like he was their first.
I have told this story many times but...when Courtney was born he had 4 Grandparents: Grandma & Grandpa Hoard and Grandma & Grandpa Parsons. He now has 2 - both of his Grandmas. When I was born I had 9 - yes I said 9 - Grandparents: Grandma & Grandpa Johnson, Grandma & Grandpa Butler, Great Grandma & Grandpa Bortz, Great Grandma Butler, Great Grandma Johnson and Great Grandma Goodwyn. I now have 1 - Grandma Butler. I remember each one that has passed vividly! I feel very lucky that I can remember and have stories about each one.
I hope all of the Grandparents have a great Grandparent's Day!!

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