The Marsh Family
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yes - we're still here!
I know, I know, there are some of you that read this little thing I have going wondering if I'm ever going to post again. The answer? Yes! Just not tonight! Ha!! Believe it or not we did not take any pictures over the weekend back home - I know it's shocking. But we were so busy! This weekend however there will be pictures galore! We started to carve Cael's jack-o-lantern tonight while he was sleeping but I am a bad Kindergarten teacher and don't have any crayons in my house. So we are going to finish tomorrow. We at least got the yucky part done tonight. I can't wait to get pictures of Cael with his first jack-o-lantern on his first Halloween!! And of course there will be pictures on Saturday all dressed up in his costume. I know he's only 4 months but the boy HAS TO HAVE a costume. What will he be?! Tune back in this weekend to find out!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
4 Months...
Can you believe Cael is 4 months old already? We sure can't! When Joy was here a couple of weeks ago we went to his 4 month appointment & to get shots. He was 13 lbs. and in the 40% for his weight. He was 25" and in the 75% for his height. Courtney prefers to say that he is 2' 1". Dr. Yu said he's going to be tall and skinny! Everytime we see him he comments on his big feet! Here are his 4 month pictures and a couple of him sitting up in his bumbo chair tonight. If you look closely you can see that his camo onesie says C. Marsh. Our friend David got him a whole bunch of camo stuff with his name on it. He even has a camo blankie that says Cael Ryan Marsh!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
The best..... what my husband is!! On Friday I sent out an e-mail at school asking if anyone had Chiefs tickets they wanted to sell. I got a call that yes I could have 4 or 2. I decided on 4. Well then it turned out I could only have 2 because the person's husband was going to use 2. No problem! Well then it turned out he was going to keep them all and I had....what does that make?....NONE!! I was heartbroken. I told my hubby all about it and he was sad for me. Don't get me wrong - he still hates the Cowboys. Despises them. But he was sad for me because I was heartbroken. He got on Ebay and got me 2 tickets!!!! Then he said they were for me and my Dad since we don't get to do anything just the 2 of us. I think part of Courtney not wanting to go was the fact that it was supposed to be cold but oh well. So - Dad and I went to the game today. We were beside the endzone, on the Cowboys sideline, 5 rows up!!!!! They were awesome seats - worth the $$!! And to top it all off we won in overtime!!!!!! Those tickets were quite possibly the best birthday present EVER!!!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
What a great start to fall!
We have had a great start to our fall season! Cool Aunt Joy came for a short and fast visit over the weekend and we had a great time!!! On Friday Cael & I picked her up at the airport and then Wee Man got his 4 month shots. He took them like a champ! He cried but after that was fine. No fussing for the rest of the day but we kept up with his Tylenol anyway. That night we were supposed to go to PRHS homecoming but it was too windy and cold to have Cael out there. So instead we went to Mom & Dad's apartment for dinner. Saturday morning we got up and went to the Red Barn Farm in Weston so Cael could go to his first pumpkin patch and we could get a pumpkin to carve for him. It's his first Halloween soon....we had to get a pumpkin!! After the farm we came home and hung out then had people over for dinner that night. Sunday we went to Mom & Dad's for breakfast and watched the crappy Chiefs play. I want to go to Arrowhead to see the crappy Chiefs this weekend because my Cowboys are coming!!! I doubt I get to go but a girl can dream... Anyway - Sunday Joy came home with us so she could watch Cael yesterday. He had a great day with his Cool Aunt Joy. He ADORED her!!! He smiled and cooed at her all the time. Then last night it was dinner with everyone before Joy went back to the airport. Tonight has been interesting. Cael had a screaming fit for about an hour. I don't think it was a tummy ache because he was passing gas like always. I don't know if it is teething or if he was just screaming because he can. Luckily he screamed himself to sleep. This weekend we will either be staying here because of the football game (fingers crossed!) or going home to see everyone. I'll let you know! Here are some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!
Ooooohhhh...I'm the spooky ghost of a polar bear.....

Ooooohhhh...I'm the spooky ghost of a polar bear.....

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