We have had a great start to our fall season! Cool Aunt Joy came for a short and fast visit over the weekend and we had a great time!!! On Friday Cael & I picked her up at the airport and then Wee Man got his 4 month shots. He took them like a champ! He cried but after that was fine. No fussing for the rest of the day but we kept up with his Tylenol anyway. That night we were supposed to go to PRHS homecoming but it was too windy and cold to have Cael out there. So instead we went to Mom & Dad's apartment for dinner. Saturday morning we got up and went to the Red Barn Farm in Weston so Cael could go to his first pumpkin patch and we could get a pumpkin to carve for him. It's his first Halloween soon....we had to get a pumpkin!! After the farm we came home and hung out then had people over for dinner that night. Sunday we went to Mom & Dad's for breakfast and watched the crappy Chiefs play. I want to go to Arrowhead to see the crappy Chiefs this weekend because my Cowboys are coming!!! I doubt I get to go but a girl can dream... Anyway - Sunday Joy came home with us so she could watch Cael yesterday. He had a great day with his Cool Aunt Joy. He ADORED her!!! He smiled and cooed at her all the time. Then last night it was dinner with everyone before Joy went back to the airport. Tonight has been interesting. Cael had a screaming fit for about an hour. I don't think it was a tummy ache because he was passing gas like always. I don't know if it is teething or if he was just screaming because he can. Luckily he screamed himself to sleep. This weekend we will either be staying here because of the football game (fingers crossed!) or going home to see everyone. I'll let you know! Here are some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!
Ooooohhhh...I'm the spooky ghost of a polar bear.....
He's screamed because he missed me. Because I am AWESOME.
He's screamed because he missed me. Because I am AWESOME.
Okay, so is he.
Okay, you are too.
Thank you. We are all AWESOME.
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