Well, yesterday was Halloween. I told you that Mr. Cael did in fact have a costume and he wore it like a champ!
We had a REALLY rough night Friday night. Don't ask why. If I had a reason it wouldn't have happened!! We went to dinner with one of Courtney's colleagues and her fiance at The Yard House at the Legends. Things went great there. After that we went to Penney's so I could get some clothes. I am still trying to lose the baby weight and so far it's not working and all I can fit into are maternity clothes. So I'm terribly discouraged and I need some clothes! I have no winter maternity clothes to wear because last winter I wasn't big enough and I could still fit into my regular clothes. So - we went shopping. Everything went great there too. I had a coupon for 50% off everything at Payless so we tried to go to the one out there. Well, there was a line that started at the counter and snaked its way to the back of the store. No kidding. It would have taken us FOREVER to pay for shoes so we decided to go home. We got home, fed little one, changed him, got him dressed and put him to bed. At 10:00 he woke up and continued to do so every 30 minutes until 2:00 in the morning!!!! At 2:00 I put him in bed with me which allowed him to sleep until 4:00. At 4:00 he woke up and was up until 4:45 - no biggie, right? Sure, until he wakes up at 6:00 and thinks it's wakey wakey time!!! So I gave him to Courtney because I could not do it! He stayed awake from 6:00 until noon when I took him to Wal Mart!!! We did get him to sleep for about 2 hours yesterday afternoon before going out "trick or treating".
We went to Miss Tracy's house, Auntie Amanda's house and then to Carol and Ben's house. By the time we got home Mom & Dad were here for dinner. Cael looked so adorable in his costume and he seemed to like wearing it. After we got home and ate dinner we gave Cael his first try at cereal on a spoon. Wow! I can't believe he's big enough to start eating from a spoon! Where is my baby going?!?! Last night was better. He didn't eat much before bed but slept from 8:45 until 2:30 or so. Then he was out until 6:00 and then he was UP! Courtney took him at 6:00 again because I was dead to the world. He just took about an hour nap and is now talking away while playing in his Exersaucer. I have some pictures to put up from my Mom's camera for now. I haven't put the pix from our cameras on the computer yet so I'll have to do that later. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!

1 comment:
He is the cutest baby on the face of the earth period. I love my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
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