Cael's first wrestling tournament and first real food....what a weekend!!!!
We went to Effingham for Cael's first wrestling tournament yesterday. Okay, it wasn't actually for Cael it was for Daddy but we were more excited about Cael. He had a rough day/night on Friday. He got his 6 month shots on Friday morning and did fine until that evening. We went to watch Nic and Anna in a play at the communty theater and poor Cael had a fever!! His eyes were pouring they were watering so bad and he just laid on Mom's chest. He didn't sleep he just laid there. My son doesn't lay unless he's sleeping! We got him home and Courtney had to go to bed because he had to be up at 4:30 in the morning so Mommy had to take care of him. I finally got him down about 9:45 or so after eating a little and I thought I'd be in for a long night. Nope. He actually slept until 7:00! When he got up his temperature was normal so we went ahead and went to the tournament. When we got there I had to put him in his singlet (duh, what else would he wear to a tournament?!) and he looked adorable!! Everyone loved him in his outfit. He was such a trooper. It was really loud and he only fussed a couple of times. A student of Courtney's was holding him and someone screamed, he started to cry so I took him and he pretty much calmed down. The kids were really great with him, too! We even got him to lay down and take a 45 minute nap....with all the screaming, yelling, whistles, buzzers, etc. We found some mats in a corner and laid one down then laid down some blankets and he slept! I think the reason he woke up was because he leaked through his diaper and his singlet was wet. The wrestlers on the other hand....not such a good showing. I sure hope they improve! Once we got home last night Courtney got home and didn't feel very well so he went to bed EARLY - like 8:00! Before that though Cael tried green beans for the first time!! He did pretty good - they were a little runny though. Tonight he tried them again (with oatmeal added in to thicken them up) and he drank white grape juice! Yum-o! All I can say about the green beans is they make NASTY poop the next day and when he burps it stinks! Today we went and got Cael's 6 month pictures and some family pictures for Christmas taken. I can't wait to get them back because I think they're going to turn out so stinkin' cute!!! We did some really cool stuff with just wait!! Tonight's just been lounging and cleaning. He's a little fussy but I think it's from all the excitement of the weekend. Next weekend we just have a tournament in Sabetha (here we come Marilyn, Angelia and Jethro!!) and then we'll be lounging for Sunday. We also have a dual in Silver Lake on Thursday but we'll have to wait and see what the weather's doing. If it's icy or yucky out I'm not chancing it and taking him. Hope everyone has a great week!
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