The Marsh Family
Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Long Overdue Thank You
I seldom find myself at a loss for words and I consider myself to be reasonably proficient in the English language. That being said, I have been thinking about this for almost 8 months now and I am still at a loss. There is no way to express how grateful I am to my wife for the gift she has given me. Our son has completed a life that I didn't even realize was incomplete. Looking back now I can see a void in everything that I have done, and that void is now filled thanks to her. She is an amazing woman who has created the most perfect son a father could ask for. My days are now spent thinking of his smile and how to make him laugh. I owe all my current happiness to her. While life has not been all sunshine and rainbows these past 8 months, it has been more than worth any of the bad times just to see his big gummy grin. I know this isn't much for 8 months of thought, but like I said, the words do not exist to express how I feel. It is beyond grateful, beyond love, and beyond happiness. I love you both!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
When I posted last I was pretty tired and Cael was fussing because it was bed time. Why am I writing that? My son weighs a little more than 7 pounds. He weighs 17 lbs. 10 oz. Wouldn't that be a tall skinny baby? :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I'm back!
I haven't updated lately and I'm in trouble for that. I apologize. We have been so busy with wrestling I feel like we're never home! Where to begin....
Last week we had a 2 day tournament in Wabaunsee. Well, it was at Wabaunsee High School which is in Alma and we stayed in Wamego. I took off a little early and got Cael and we headed there. He has been doing great with the DVD player he got for Christmas. We have recorded 4 1/2 hours of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and he LOVES it! It was Cael's first time in a motel so I of course took pictures of him sleeping and of him waking up Saturday morning. The drive there on Friday wasn't bad then when we drove to Wamego that night it was very foggy. Saturday morning it was so foggy it was slick! I had the worst time driving to the High School that morning. The fog was supposed to have lifted by noon but it never did all day. Mom & Dad showed up that evening and I sent Cael home with them. I didn't want to have him out in the dark and heavy fog. I ended up staying until the end of the tournament and drove home with one of the managers. It was a good thing she was there because I had a terrible time seeing in the fog. I was so glad to be home! Here are a few pix of Cael from that tournament. He is so good at tournaments. Even with all of the screaming he sleeps!!

This past week we had Senior night at PRHS and the only home dual. Cael and I of course went. For each home wrestling event the Moms make singlets to put on the wall. I walked in to the gym and was immediately asked, "Did you see it?" I turned around and there it was....a tiny singlet with "Jedi" written on it! Do they love this baby or what?! I of course I had to have his picture taken. He's their good luck long as he's in his singlet and has his booties on!

We got Cael's big boy car seat this week! It's a convertible seat that goes from 5-100 lbs. so we won't have to buy another car seat....EVER! It stays in the car so he has to be carried in and out of places now. He's a big boy! This weekend has been super busy, too. Friday afternoon Cael got his second round of seasonal flu shots. They ran out of the H1N1 so he hasn't gotten the 2nd round of it yet but he will in a few weeks. I took him for his shots at 1:00 and then we headed to Holton for a JV wrestling tournament. We got there at 3:30 Friday afternoon and left at 9:00. Cael was tired so I left because I thought he would sleep in the car. They were supposed to wrestle 5 rounds and at 10:00 they were at the end of the 4th round and decided to quit. Courtney got home at about 12:00 and was up at 4:15 to be at the school by 5:30 for weigh ins. We were back at Holton at 9:00 yesterday morning for more wrestling!! We left about 6:00 yesterday. Again my son was a trooper!! I took a few cute pictures of him yesterday but they are on my phone so I need to get them downloaded this week. Here is a picture of Cael in his big boy car seat. I am a dork. It was his first time in it so I had to stand outside of day care taking pictures!

Today was spent in Overland Park with my Mom. I needed to go to Sams so she met us for lunch. It was fun to be out with the 3 of us.
Here are Cael's 7 month stats as of Friday: he weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz. which puts him in the 30th percentile, he is 28 inches long which puts him in the 75th percentile. He has gained almost 12 lbs. since birth and grown 8 1/2 inches! I can't believe what a big boy we have! I will try to keep up with posting pictures and what not. Wrestling is almost over so we should have more time to be at home....until baseball starts! Hope everyone has a great week and have a great Kansas Day on Friday! (I am a dork - but I'm also a Kindergarten teacher so that's a big deal!)
Last week we had a 2 day tournament in Wabaunsee. Well, it was at Wabaunsee High School which is in Alma and we stayed in Wamego. I took off a little early and got Cael and we headed there. He has been doing great with the DVD player he got for Christmas. We have recorded 4 1/2 hours of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and he LOVES it! It was Cael's first time in a motel so I of course took pictures of him sleeping and of him waking up Saturday morning. The drive there on Friday wasn't bad then when we drove to Wamego that night it was very foggy. Saturday morning it was so foggy it was slick! I had the worst time driving to the High School that morning. The fog was supposed to have lifted by noon but it never did all day. Mom & Dad showed up that evening and I sent Cael home with them. I didn't want to have him out in the dark and heavy fog. I ended up staying until the end of the tournament and drove home with one of the managers. It was a good thing she was there because I had a terrible time seeing in the fog. I was so glad to be home! Here are a few pix of Cael from that tournament. He is so good at tournaments. Even with all of the screaming he sleeps!!

This past week we had Senior night at PRHS and the only home dual. Cael and I of course went. For each home wrestling event the Moms make singlets to put on the wall. I walked in to the gym and was immediately asked, "Did you see it?" I turned around and there it was....a tiny singlet with "Jedi" written on it! Do they love this baby or what?! I of course I had to have his picture taken. He's their good luck long as he's in his singlet and has his booties on!

We got Cael's big boy car seat this week! It's a convertible seat that goes from 5-100 lbs. so we won't have to buy another car seat....EVER! It stays in the car so he has to be carried in and out of places now. He's a big boy! This weekend has been super busy, too. Friday afternoon Cael got his second round of seasonal flu shots. They ran out of the H1N1 so he hasn't gotten the 2nd round of it yet but he will in a few weeks. I took him for his shots at 1:00 and then we headed to Holton for a JV wrestling tournament. We got there at 3:30 Friday afternoon and left at 9:00. Cael was tired so I left because I thought he would sleep in the car. They were supposed to wrestle 5 rounds and at 10:00 they were at the end of the 4th round and decided to quit. Courtney got home at about 12:00 and was up at 4:15 to be at the school by 5:30 for weigh ins. We were back at Holton at 9:00 yesterday morning for more wrestling!! We left about 6:00 yesterday. Again my son was a trooper!! I took a few cute pictures of him yesterday but they are on my phone so I need to get them downloaded this week. Here is a picture of Cael in his big boy car seat. I am a dork. It was his first time in it so I had to stand outside of day care taking pictures!

Today was spent in Overland Park with my Mom. I needed to go to Sams so she met us for lunch. It was fun to be out with the 3 of us.
Here are Cael's 7 month stats as of Friday: he weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz. which puts him in the 30th percentile, he is 28 inches long which puts him in the 75th percentile. He has gained almost 12 lbs. since birth and grown 8 1/2 inches! I can't believe what a big boy we have! I will try to keep up with posting pictures and what not. Wrestling is almost over so we should have more time to be at home....until baseball starts! Hope everyone has a great week and have a great Kansas Day on Friday! (I am a dork - but I'm also a Kindergarten teacher so that's a big deal!)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Christmas in Minneapolis
We were finally able to go to Minneapolis for Christmas with the Noon families over New Years. We went to Minneapolis on New Year's Eve and Aunt Sharon watched the boy while we went out. We went to Delphos and hung out with friends and had a nice time. It was nice to get away for a few hours but of course we were happy to get back to Cael. He must have wanted us to come home because he was awake waiting for us!
On New Year's Day we got up and made a chocolate pie before going to Dustin & Monica's house to see that side of the family. We had fun hanging out with them. Shelby, Grandma Parsons, Anthony & Marissa came over. I bought another cookbook from Grandma to support her Walk for the Cure again. I can't wait to try out some of the recipes! We went back to the Noons for dinner & Christmas with them. It was fun to see both Noon families, Grandma Hoard & Uncle Andy. We ate dinner and opened presents. Cael and AJ were so cute! They get along really well! I think Alta will make a great big sister to KayLynn who will be here soon. After all of that we played Wii for a while. We had a great time! (Courtney & I are loving our Wii also! We played for quite a while this morning since we didn't have school.) Cael got a toy that has a spinner in the center like the final game on The Price is Right. It's so funny because, as I've said before, he apparently loves that show. He will sit there forever spinning the wheel. The funniest part is that he will spin it and then wait for it to talk to him before he spins it again. He's so stinking smart!!
Saturday morning we got up and went to Grandma Butler's to take our official traditional 6 month pictures of Cael. He is such a ham when the camera comes out! He of course did great and no pee on the scarf!! We went to Salina to see Granddad & Grandma Marsh but Granddad still wasn't feeling well. We basically dropped off gifts, ate lunch that we picked up on the way there & left. Calvin didn't want to hold Cael because he didn't want to get him sick. We left Salina and started to drive home. When we got to Topeka we saw a car in the ditch and then there was a wreck so we had to get off of the interstate. By now it was starting to snow & blow. We drove to Lawrence and were just on the West side of the East Lawrence exit when we came to a stop. Right at that exit is a bridge and construction all around the bridge. We sat for an HOUR because of a roll over accident in the construction on the bridge. We had to scoot over as far as we could so emergency crews could get through. By the time we left there it was snowing and blowing pretty hard. It took us an hour to get home from Lawrence which is usually a 30 minute drive.
Here are a few pictures of our trip to Minneapolis & the drive home. Enjoy the rest of your week!

On New Year's Day we got up and made a chocolate pie before going to Dustin & Monica's house to see that side of the family. We had fun hanging out with them. Shelby, Grandma Parsons, Anthony & Marissa came over. I bought another cookbook from Grandma to support her Walk for the Cure again. I can't wait to try out some of the recipes! We went back to the Noons for dinner & Christmas with them. It was fun to see both Noon families, Grandma Hoard & Uncle Andy. We ate dinner and opened presents. Cael and AJ were so cute! They get along really well! I think Alta will make a great big sister to KayLynn who will be here soon. After all of that we played Wii for a while. We had a great time! (Courtney & I are loving our Wii also! We played for quite a while this morning since we didn't have school.) Cael got a toy that has a spinner in the center like the final game on The Price is Right. It's so funny because, as I've said before, he apparently loves that show. He will sit there forever spinning the wheel. The funniest part is that he will spin it and then wait for it to talk to him before he spins it again. He's so stinking smart!!
Saturday morning we got up and went to Grandma Butler's to take our official traditional 6 month pictures of Cael. He is such a ham when the camera comes out! He of course did great and no pee on the scarf!! We went to Salina to see Granddad & Grandma Marsh but Granddad still wasn't feeling well. We basically dropped off gifts, ate lunch that we picked up on the way there & left. Calvin didn't want to hold Cael because he didn't want to get him sick. We left Salina and started to drive home. When we got to Topeka we saw a car in the ditch and then there was a wreck so we had to get off of the interstate. By now it was starting to snow & blow. We drove to Lawrence and were just on the West side of the East Lawrence exit when we came to a stop. Right at that exit is a bridge and construction all around the bridge. We sat for an HOUR because of a roll over accident in the construction on the bridge. We had to scoot over as far as we could so emergency crews could get through. By the time we left there it was snowing and blowing pretty hard. It took us an hour to get home from Lawrence which is usually a 30 minute drive.
Here are a few pictures of our trip to Minneapolis & the drive home. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Snowy days...
Well, over Christmas we got a LOT of snow. It has been so cold and the sun has not been shining so none of it has melted away. Yesterday we got hit again! The worst part is that the wind is so strong and cold. The actual temperature is hanging out around 10 degrees but with the wind chill is in the negatives. Tomorrow there's a chance that the wind chill will be -35!!! Courtney didn't have school yesterday because they were anticipating it getting nasty....and they were right! Around noon it got pretty bad. My district, of course, was the only one in the area open yesterday. No surprise there! Today we were both closed. I'm sure Courtney will be closed tomorrow because of the temperature and there is a chance we will be too. We'll see! I had to take just a few pictures of the snow before I had to come in because of the damn cold!

My poor cold squirrels!!
My poor cold squirrels!!
Go Cowboys!
I'm a Big Boy Now!
Mr. Cael is sitting up so good by himself now that we decided to try letting him take a bath in the big bathtub by himself. I of course was worried that it was too slippery so I put a towel down. He loved splashing in the water and playing with his new tub toys. And, of course, I made my husband take pictures to mark the occasion. My little man isn't so little anymore! I can't believe that in a few days I'll have to take his 7 month pictures! Stay tuned...

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