Last week we had a 2 day tournament in Wabaunsee. Well, it was at Wabaunsee High School which is in Alma and we stayed in Wamego. I took off a little early and got Cael and we headed there. He has been doing great with the DVD player he got for Christmas. We have recorded 4 1/2 hours of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and he LOVES it! It was Cael's first time in a motel so I of course took pictures of him sleeping and of him waking up Saturday morning. The drive there on Friday wasn't bad then when we drove to Wamego that night it was very foggy. Saturday morning it was so foggy it was slick! I had the worst time driving to the High School that morning. The fog was supposed to have lifted by noon but it never did all day. Mom & Dad showed up that evening and I sent Cael home with them. I didn't want to have him out in the dark and heavy fog. I ended up staying until the end of the tournament and drove home with one of the managers. It was a good thing she was there because I had a terrible time seeing in the fog. I was so glad to be home! Here are a few pix of Cael from that tournament. He is so good at tournaments. Even with all of the screaming he sleeps!!

This past week we had Senior night at PRHS and the only home dual. Cael and I of course went. For each home wrestling event the Moms make singlets to put on the wall. I walked in to the gym and was immediately asked, "Did you see it?" I turned around and there it was....a tiny singlet with "Jedi" written on it! Do they love this baby or what?! I of course I had to have his picture taken. He's their good luck long as he's in his singlet and has his booties on!

We got Cael's big boy car seat this week! It's a convertible seat that goes from 5-100 lbs. so we won't have to buy another car seat....EVER! It stays in the car so he has to be carried in and out of places now. He's a big boy! This weekend has been super busy, too. Friday afternoon Cael got his second round of seasonal flu shots. They ran out of the H1N1 so he hasn't gotten the 2nd round of it yet but he will in a few weeks. I took him for his shots at 1:00 and then we headed to Holton for a JV wrestling tournament. We got there at 3:30 Friday afternoon and left at 9:00. Cael was tired so I left because I thought he would sleep in the car. They were supposed to wrestle 5 rounds and at 10:00 they were at the end of the 4th round and decided to quit. Courtney got home at about 12:00 and was up at 4:15 to be at the school by 5:30 for weigh ins. We were back at Holton at 9:00 yesterday morning for more wrestling!! We left about 6:00 yesterday. Again my son was a trooper!! I took a few cute pictures of him yesterday but they are on my phone so I need to get them downloaded this week. Here is a picture of Cael in his big boy car seat. I am a dork. It was his first time in it so I had to stand outside of day care taking pictures!

Today was spent in Overland Park with my Mom. I needed to go to Sams so she met us for lunch. It was fun to be out with the 3 of us.
Here are Cael's 7 month stats as of Friday: he weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz. which puts him in the 30th percentile, he is 28 inches long which puts him in the 75th percentile. He has gained almost 12 lbs. since birth and grown 8 1/2 inches! I can't believe what a big boy we have! I will try to keep up with posting pictures and what not. Wrestling is almost over so we should have more time to be at home....until baseball starts! Hope everyone has a great week and have a great Kansas Day on Friday! (I am a dork - but I'm also a Kindergarten teacher so that's a big deal!)
1 comment:
Isn't amazing how fast they grow!!! We have one of those carseats for Alta (thinking we would never have to buy one again), but we are going to have to buy more unless she has a HUGE growth spurt before KayLynn needs it!
Oh yeah, your thing at the end said Cael only weighed 7 lbs....I thought he was a little bigger than that....haha!
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