The Marsh Family

The Marsh Family

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wrestling season is coming to an end....

It has been a long last few months for the Marsh family. We've spent alot of time traveling to wrestling tournaments and our boy has been a trooper. Next week will be our last tournament as we travel to State in Salina. This weekend we were in Holton for Regionals. Friday afternoon when Cael and I drove to Holton and it was pretty crappy weather. It was starting to snow/rain in Leavenworth when we left and the county road I had to take to get to Holton was covered in slush. We sat through Regionals all afternoon & evening on Friday and Cael was struggling. He was cranky because he hadn't had his long naps that day. When we left Friday night it was slick and foggy! I drove very slow because I get nervous driving in nasty stuff with baby boy in the back seat. We got up Saturday morning and left early so we'd get good seats. Cael had a really good day yesterday. He even got some good naps long as Mommy was holding him. He's going through a phase right now where he really only wants his Mommy to hold him. My sweet boy! It is nice to feel loved but Mommy can use a break every once in a while, too! We saw some real good wrestling over the weekend. Complete with a dislocated to the point of bones almost popping out of the skin elbows...courtesy of "Uncle Pineau"! He didn't do it on purpose - it was mainly the way the guy landed. They even had to call for EMS and they gave him an IV right there on the mat! Pineau & Johnson got 3rd so we've got boys in for next week. When we left to come home last night the weather was getting bad. I drove about 35 mph most of the way home. The county road had not been plowed so there were times I couldn't even tell if I was on the road or in the ditch. But we made it home safe. Here are a few pictures I took yesterday!

I know this one is fuzzy but his smile was so cute!!

Look Ma! I'm standing up!

You shut your mouth when you're talking to me, Pup!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One of Cael's cutest pictures ever...

Now that we've mailed the picture out I can finally post it! This was a Valentine's pictures we took and it is freaking ADORABLE!!! Yes I know I'm saying it about my own son but he is one of the cutest babies I have EVER seen in my life! Don't you agree?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I'm one of the boys!

Yesterday was our DVL tournament for wrestling. Luckily it was in Leavenworth so Cael and I got to "sleep in" and not have to rush. Cael had a very rough night Friday night and he & I were up from 2:30 until 4:00. So I let him sleep until he woke up yesterday. For the 2nd year in a row we lost the tournament by just a few points. We got 2nd place and lost by only 2 points yesterday!! The same wrestler as last year didn't wrestle at the DVL which probably would have put us in 1st place. And one of the boys lost a match he should have one which would have given him 3rd place and us 1st. Oh well - there's always next year! I took a picture of the boys with their little mascot, "Jedi". Sorry it's blurry. The camera had been in the car and I ran to get it and didn't get it warmed up enough before I took the picture. :( It's still a good picture though! The boy that's holding Cael is his "Uncle Pineau".

It's almost time for baseball, Daddy!

I took these last weekend and forgot to post them. It is almost time for baseball season to begin. We have regional wrestling next weekend, state the weekend after that and then baseball begins on Monday. Basically - 2 weeks for tomorrow my husband will start his 2nd sport and Cael and I will continue having Cael & Mommy time after school. At least these sporting events will be outside so we can get some fresh air!

8 Months

I can't believe our boy is 8 months old already! You know what that means....only 4 months until his first birthday!! And yes Mommy is already starting to plan. I already know what I'm doing for his cakes and invitations. I even know the date (Saturday, June 12 in case you're wondering...exactly 1 year from when he came home from the hospital!)! I don't know the time or anything but it will be here at the house. Anyway - here are his 8 month pictures that we took on Wednesday. We have been so busy this is the first chance I've had to post them. Enjoy!!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Choo Choo!

Trooper Cael

We have no idea where this outfit came from but I found it in Cael's closet this morning. This post is for Uncle Jim & Uncle Travis....Daddy says, "Where are the donuts?!"

Here is the big question: Would you rather be stopped by Trooper Cael in a Jeep...

On a horse.....

Or on a Moose?

I don't think I have to worry about it any way because he would never pull over his Mommy!!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I'm ready to eat steak!

Not alot to update. We've had a busy but quiet last couple of weeks. A week ago Cael started with a really runny nose because....HE WAS GETTING TEETH!!! Let's see where we begin:

Last Monday I came home after school with a little fever so Courtney took care of Mr. Boy for the evening. I stayed home on Tuesday but Cael went to daycare so I could rest. I still had a fever on Tuesday and that night Cael was up every 2 hours. It was a LONG night! He went to daycare on Wednesday and I stayed home again although I was feeling much better. Wednesday evening was very rough. He screamed & cried from 4:00 until about 8:00. I called my Mom for advice because I had done everything I could think of to get him comfortable. I felt the first tooth popping through that night. Mom ended up coming to the house & spending the night in case we needed her. He did fine that night and slept much better. Thursday and Friday were fine and then we got up for the wrestling tournament on Saturday. I felt his mouth to check on his tooth at 8:30 that morning and there was 1 tooth - same one. At about 10:00 he was chewing on the lid to his bottle and I thought I saw another one. He did it again and I saw it again. So I stuck my finger in his mouth and there it was. Tooth numero dos!!! From 8:30-10:00 he got a tooth and didn't even fuss!!! Yesterday he started to cough a little and this morning it was awful! Poor guy is so congested and hacking. He coughs so hard he turns red and his eyes water. I took him to the Dr. because one of my kiddos at school had croup last week and was at school while contagious, lovely! I wanted to make sure he didn't have that or worse like coming down with RSV. They said it's just the teething and a little head cold on top of that. We're giving him liquid children's Zyrtec and they said it should kick in and help by tomorrow. Fingers crossed everyone! Courtney's got a dual tournament Thursday night in Lawrence and another one in Onaga on Friday night. We'll see what happens. I think I'll just check Mr. Boy is doing when I pick him up from daycare. I hope he's better! Other than that we've been pretty low key around here. Wrestling is almost over and then it's on to baseball!

Happy note - Travis & Nicole had baby girl #2 yesterday! KayLynn Grace was born by c-section around 10:30 yesterday. Can't wait to meet her when we're in Salina for state wrestling the last weekend of this month!!

Here is a pic I took at the wrestling tournament a few weeks ago. The boy with Cael is his "Uncle Pineau" as he calls himself. He's one of Courtney's wrestlers. Those high school boys love Cael! He also started sitting in shopping carts & high chairs like a big boy! Lemons taste much better when you're sitting like a big boy. And - he's just too beautiful when he sleeps! Have a great week!