It has been a long last few months for the Marsh family. We've spent alot of time traveling to wrestling tournaments and our boy has been a trooper. Next week will be our last tournament as we travel to State in Salina. This weekend we were in Holton for Regionals. Friday afternoon when Cael and I drove to Holton and it was pretty crappy weather. It was starting to snow/rain in Leavenworth when we left and the county road I had to take to get to Holton was covered in slush. We sat through Regionals all afternoon & evening on Friday and Cael was struggling. He was cranky because he hadn't had his long naps that day. When we left Friday night it was slick and foggy! I drove very slow because I get nervous driving in nasty stuff with baby boy in the back seat. We got up Saturday morning and left early so we'd get good seats. Cael had a really good day yesterday. He even got some good naps long as Mommy was holding him. He's going through a phase right now where he really only wants his Mommy to hold him. My sweet boy! It is nice to feel loved but Mommy can use a break every once in a while, too! We saw some real good wrestling over the weekend. Complete with a dislocated to the point of bones almost popping out of the skin elbows...courtesy of "Uncle Pineau"! He didn't do it on purpose - it was mainly the way the guy landed. They even had to call for EMS and they gave him an IV right there on the mat! Pineau & Johnson got 3rd so we've got boys in for next week. When we left to come home last night the weather was getting bad. I drove about 35 mph most of the way home. The county road had not been plowed so there were times I couldn't even tell if I was on the road or in the ditch. But we made it home safe. Here are a few pictures I took yesterday!
I know this one is fuzzy but his smile was so cute!!

Look Ma! I'm standing up!

You shut your mouth when you're talking to me, Pup!

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