I don't remember if I've even posted anything about this! In June when we were back in Minneapolis Courtney saw a mini van for sale. We drove it and liked it but we had to talk to the bank. We came home & talked to the bank & 2 days later we went back to Minneapolis and got our van. Yes, I am a mini van driving Mama....something I swore I would never be! I said I would never drive a mini van but now that I do I LOVE it!! We have so much space! It's nice for Cael too because he has more room & it's so much easier to get him in & out of it. Buying the van meant that we could sell a few vehicles & for the first time in several years be a 2 vehicle family. We decided to keep the Blazer for Courtney to drive. We put his car up for sale & 5 days later sold it. We put the Taco Wagon up for sale & it took a bit longer but we did finally sell it about 2 weeks ago. It was a sad day for us when it drove away because we've had it for 8 years now. I had been around that truck for a lot longer because it belonged to my dad first. Courtney loved that truck & took wonderful care of it. When we knew we were going to sell it Calvin suggested we take a picture of Cael "driving" it. Here are some pictures of Cael driving....watch out if you're on the road & you see him coming!!

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