Okay so I suck at updating this thing lately. We've had a crazy last month or so. We went home over Easter weekend and came home with a sick boy. He ended up with hand foot & mouth disease. From what we've heard now it's a very common thing, you just don't hear about it. His case wasn't as bad as lots of kids get it. He had a high fever for 3 or 4 days. On Easter Sunday it was 102.7 and by Monday afternoon it was up to 104!! It finally broke and he was fever free by Thursday. He had spots on his hands & feet but they never turned into blisters. We were pretty lucky! We were in Minneapolis for Easter and for AJ's 3rd birthday party. Her party was at the park and before cupcakes & presents we got to play outside. Cael had a blast playing outside and was not happy when it was time for us to go in the building. We are definitely buying him a big swing set for his birthday now! We will have hours & hours of fun this summer for sure!!

Since then (and the last time I checked in here) we have been very very busy going to baseball games. Cael is so different at games this year! I hardly get to watch the games this year but at least I'm there, right? Sometimes it's just hard and I get frustrated with what I can't do anymore. Like today - today is the Graduation at Courtney's school and 1 of our favorite boys is graduating. Courtney is there & Cael and I are at home. It sucks that I can't go because Cael wouldn't sit still there. Courtney said for us to meet him up there to go to Andrew's party afterwards but it's a waste of gas to have 2 cars driving all over. Oh well. I guess I just have to suck it up because this is the life of a mom, right? Easier said than done! Anyway - enough of my pity party...
Cael and I took a Saturday while Daddy was at baseball camp and spent the day with Grammy. We went with mom to get her new driving glasses and have lunch. Cael was pretty good, especially since he was just getting over being so sick. He & I rode on the merry-go-round. I think he really liked it! He didn't look very excited but he was just taking everything in.
We also went and played at a little play area at the mall.
He spent the night with Grammy that night and the next day when we picked him up we went to get his Easter present. Courtney bought him a 5 gallon fish tank and we had to go let him pick out fish! He got 3 ghost shrimp & 1 snail to help with the algae. He got 3 glo-fish that are a really pretty bright pink, 4 neon fish, 2 guppies (both boys!) & 1 Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platty. We had to name the Mickey Mouse fish Allyn! He's an orangey yellow color and in his tail is a perfect Mickey Mouse head! It's really cool. I don't know if I can get a picture of him - we'll see. Here's a pic of Cael "picking out" his fish. He had more fun banging on the glass to scare the fish. Yes, he's all boy!

On Cinco de Mayo we were supposed to be at a ball game but it got rained out. So instead we went to eat at La Mesa (one of my favorites!) with the head coach and his family. He's married and has 2 kids that are right around Cael's age. Jordan is 3 and Davin is 18 months. Cael really enjoys playing with them when we're at games. They all did pretty good at dinner and after we were standing around outside talking while the 3 kids played and ran around. Davin & Jordan jumped off the curb and Cael followed them....except he didn't see the curb and fell off it instead. He got a mark on his nose which was no big deal. Then he was trying to climb and slipped and smacked his face on some bricks. He was pretty beat up! These pictures were taken the weekend after that and he was still not looking very pretty. He loves the camera though!

This is from a while ago but he spent the night with Grammy & Papa one night and we picked him up the next morning. When we got him to the car he found 2 of his binkies and decided he needed both of them. He looked so funny!
The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy too. We've got Regional baseball starting tomorrow - I don't know if Cael and I will go or not. Then I have Kindergarten graduation on Friday. Then the next Friday is our last day of school!!! I can't wait for the summer! Cael's birthday party is coming up on June 4, on June 10th (his 2nd birthday!) we are going to Oklahoma for the family reunion, on June 26th we're heading to Branson to see the Dills for a few days. We can't wait! I know this summer is going to go too fast! Hope everyone has a great week.