Well - I didn't post last week because I was lazy! I still reached most of my goals, I just didn't post or check in. :(
This week I did alright.
1. I worked out 3 days last week and have worked out 2 times so far this week. For some reason I am struggling to get that 4th workout in. I'll try this week. I am really excited about this summer though. I found out that there will be Zumba classes every Wednesday night & it only costs $5 a class to go. I am hoping to go as many Wednesdays as I can! And - the gym at the community center is going to be open twice a week for 2 hours each day for "Toddler Time" so I can take Cael and we can be active. Cael's also going to be taking swimming lessons in a few weeks. We're going to be so busy hopefully it will work for me!!
2. I drank my full amount of water most days. I am getting at least 64 oz. in each day - sometimes it's a struggle for the full 74.4. :(
3. Yeah, about the push ups challenge - not happening right now. I've been doing a "Crunch" workout through Netflix that has me doing a lot of push ups so that's good, I guess.
4. Weight loss. Oh weight loss. Where are you??? I have 2 numbers that I bounce back & forth between. If I could just get below the lower of the 2 numbers I would feel better about what's happening! I just can't get below it - no matter what I do. I need something to kick start me so I can get below the low number!!! I wanted so bad to be at what I was when I got pregnant by Cael's birthday and it doesn't look like it's going to happen. That's really depressing! Two years after his birth and I'm still 12 pounds over what I was when I got pregnant. :( I've said this before - women who leave the hospital fitting in to their regular pre-pregnancy clothes make me SICK!!!
Its really hard to break through these plateaus. I know cuz I've been stuck for a while but things are finally starting to work for me! I started faithfully tracking my food/water and I have been following a low glycemic index plan....seems to be working for me! Hopefully you will find something that works for you soon! Just keep trying different things and it will happen!!
i'm bouncing around on the same few pounds, so i finally decided to stop weighing.
great job on the water!
Plateaus totally suck! Getting stuck at one sucks too! Hang in there...you will find the right fit for you!
I have been bouncing too, for a couple of months. I had to change things up. Next week will be better and if it isn't there is always another week to look forward too! XOX!
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