The Marsh Family

The Marsh Family

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Google it!

I caught Cael on the computer tonight.  He was actually on the internet & had done a google search.  He googled "azithromycin z pack".  Is that bad parenting that I didn't even know he was sick?!

Where else would Cael sit to snack?

2 year pictures

We had Cael's 2 year pictures done a few weeks ago & we got the CD back.  They were good pictures, don't get me wrong, but....I was a little disappointed!  Cael didn't give her much to work with at all.  There were hardly any of him even smiling!  So a few days ago I took some pictures of him to see if I could get any worthy of mailing out.  I think we got some pretty good ones!!

Helping Daddy!

Water sprinkler fun!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Driving along in my automobile!

Video of Cael & AJ driving his truck from Granddad & Grandma Marsh at his birthday party.  I love that you can hear AJ giggling!!

Cael's check up

Cael had his 2 year check up this morning with his new doctor.  We have switched to a doc in Leavenworth so it would just be easier.  We loved Dr. Yu but things were getting crazy.  Over Easter when he had hand, foot & mouth disease and his fever was 104 I left messages & noone would call me back.  I called this doc's office in LV and got to talk to a nurse right away.  We've gone there a few times & I'm very happy.  The nice thing that Yu did was he already gave Cael his hep A vaccine so no shots today!!  Here are his stats:

Head: 19 1/2" - 13 1/2" at birth

Height: 33 1/2" - 19 1/2" at birth

Weight: 26 1/2 lbs. - 5 lbs. 14 oz at birth

They said he's doing great!  He is on the slender side of all measurements but we kinda knew that was the case.  He was 75th percentile for head size, 50th percentile for weight & (I think) 30th percentile for height.  Our boy's growing up!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


So I basically suck at updating lately!  Sorry.  There is no excuse.  I am lazy and falling down on the job.  I was getting pictures off the cameras to put up here & realized that there were pix from May that I had never even taken off the camera!  Oy vey!  Here are a few pix of Cael doing his chore....well, okay, maybe just helping Daddy.  You can see Roger & Donna in the background of the first picture.  As soon as Cael got done mowing he went running over to help them out!  Such a helpful boy!

Cael loves balloons!  My class had a big end of the year party for me on the last day of school.  We had a silly string party outside.  It was crazy!!  We had a blast though so it was all good!  They had balloons for me so I brought them home.  Cael LOVED them!  He would crawl around the floor with them, lay on them, rub them on his head, etc.  He even took them into Miller's kennel with him!  

I know he looks a little drunk in the last picture but oh well!  On Cael's 2nd birthday last Friday we headed to Oklahoma with mom & dad for a family reunion.  On Friday night we went to the wedding vow renewal for my Great Aunt Irene & Great Uncle Elmer.  June 10th was their 50th wedding anniversary!  Wow!  That's a very long time!  Cael did fabulous on the drive down to OK.  It was a long ride for him & he let us know when he needed out of the car.  If you recall last year for his 1st birthday we went to Hooters to eat.  So we decided for his 2nd we needed to do the same!  Wow.  That's good parenting!!  Here are a few pix of Cael on the drive to OK, 1 of him at Hooters with the waitresses (notice where his hand is placed), and some of him with his balloon from Hooters.  The girls even signed a shirt for him for his birthday!

And yes, he drove his car into his sandwich & fries!  I did not get any pictures on Friday night when we were all dressed up so spiffy....darn it!  On Saturday we got up & went to our annual family reunion.  It was much smaller this year & different.  It was the last reunion to be planned by my great aunts so their kiddos are taking over.  After the reunion we went to Great Aunt Billye & Great Aunt Irene's house to hang out.  We also walked over to Great Aunt Irene's house to eat.  Cael found this cat & HAD to ride it.  He also found the ducks and walked around the entire time there quacking while holding the ducks.  

I was able to get a picture of Cael with most of his great great aunts.  Aunt Vera was busy playing a card game though!  Here he is with his Great great Aunt Judie, Great great Aunt Irene & Great great Aunt Billye.  He loved having his picture taken with them!  He kept running over & sitting with them and then running away.  He did that over & over again!

Man I love his face!!  Anyway - here is the Cael & Courtney with the horse that bit him.  Yes, I said it, the horse that BIT him!!  Can't remember if I posted this yet or not so: Courtney was feeding the horse scraps.  Cael touched the mama's cheek.  She bit his hand.  I pulled his hand & she bit harder.  I smacked her in the face.  She let go.  Cael was screaming bloody murder.  His finger was flat, cut, bleeding & swollen.  We cleaned it up & he was fine.  He might have a little scar on his finger but it will make for a good story!!!

On Sunday we drove to my Great Aunt Margaret's house so Cael could meet her.  While we were there Punkin came over too.  She had her grandson, Rhett, with her so it was nice to get to see him.  I'm not sure if I've ever even met him!  Aunt Margaret has cows outside her house.  There were several longhorns there.  Cael loved looking at the "moos"!  We were ready to go inside to visit but Cael wanted to stay with the "moos".  He ran back to the fence & crawled up himself.  What a goober!  Here are some pix of Cael with his "moos", his Great great Aunt Margaret, cousins Punkin & Rhett, & playing with Aunt Margaret's walker.

One of Cael's birthday gifts was finger paints for the bath!  They are also apparently soap.  The other night we had to try them out.  Then we had to let Cael see himself in the mirror.  He loves to see himself in the mirror after a bath.  He likes to kiss himself, wave, talk to himself & try to find himself behind the door.  After all - where is that other Cael hiding??

In case you can't tell we are having a great summer so far!  Next weekend we head to Branson to meet up with the Dill family!!  We are so excited to see them!  It's been almost a full year since we last saw them.  I can't wait for Hattie & Cael to see each other again & I can't wait to get my hands on little Hollyn!!