I'm participating in a 52 week organization challenge.
http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/organized-home.html" target="_blank">
We're in week 2 & I'm pretty proud of myself! I know, I know, 2 weeks is nothing! But I'm proud of myself anyway! The first week was to clean up your kitchen counters. This is hard!! I'm doing it but it's hard. The counters get so cluttered....ON THEIR OWN!....every day. But I'm working at it. I try to clean them off every day. This week is to clean up cabinets & drawers in the kitchen. I feel like I've done GREAT with this one! I have cleaned out & organized almost all of them and plan on finishing today. I think Courtney's pretty happy with my progress on this week - even though he won't say anything. I'm also proud to report that we have made great strides in not spending too much $$ this week. We have eaten at home every day (this is huge for us!). I'm even packing a cooler for this weekend. I've done that for the last 3 tournaments so Cael & I don't spend much at the concession stands. Tonight we'll probably eat out but hopefully we can keep the cost low. Gas in the van is the kicker - and buying snacks to fill the cooler. :( Luckily that will even last us here at the house. I need to make myself more accountable for what I'm doing with $$ & being organized. I'm planning on writing on here each week how I'm doing with the challenge & $$ habits. I'm scared to death of our "new lives" but I'm jumping in feet first. I'm doing the best I can with how things are & I am pretty proud of myself. I would love even just 2 more full time kids but I'm working with what I've got.
I've got a 6 month old for 4 hours every day and 2 1/2 year old that I've had every day since last Thursday. The little baby is pretty easy - except for she doesn't want to be put down very much. Cael is so helpful with her! He likes to try to feed her!! The little boy is doing better. He's a month younger than Cael and doesn't speak. Like not at all. He says "no" ALOT and "dah" for everything that isn't no. He spends the first 10 minutes or so (it was about an hour!) when his dad leaves screaming and then he's fine. Every once in a while, out of nowhere, he's start screaming & crying. We kind of ignore him and he stops. It's been interesting to say the least! I have a BABY baby starting in 2 weeks. I believe he will be about 12 weeks old (maybe) and he'll be full time. The funny part is I'm going to be watching a student I had for 2 years & his brother every once in a while and the boy from this year that I was sooooooooo "mean" to is going to start coming for a few hours each week too! WHAT?!?!?! Yep - I haven't gone in to much detail but the school said I was too "mean & strict" to 1 boy. That's pretty funny because once I was out of there his behavior got so much worse that he was sent home, ON A DAILY BASIS! I was the 1 adult there he trusted & when I left him he got worse. Well since then his mom has pulled him from school to homeschool him!!! We are friends on facebook & she came over the other night! She wants to bring him & his brother over for a few hours each week. Wow. I'm so mean he wants to come to my house! But anyway - whatever.
I know I'm rambling on and on - the point is I'm trying to be more frugal & organized and I'm going to write it all down for whoever is reading this silly little blog to keep me on my toes. Don't get too excited! bb bbbb
Cael whvfvfdcxnt wanted to say hello! I hope your 2012 is off to a great start.
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