We had meetings from Tuesday - Friday of last week to prepare us for the year. On Wednesday they loaded us all on a bus to take us to lunch. We were driving along minding our own business when suddenly they pulled over. "Get off the bus!" they yelled. Okay...we got off the bus and found a folding table covered with wine glasses and wine waiting for us!! Can you imagine?!?! We pulled off on the side of the highway for a wine break!! People were driving by staring at us. They told us it was illegal and we should get a ticket but oh well! Luckily I had my camera so I have proof! Then on Saturday we called to see about borrowing our headmaster's van again. Come to find out he was on his way to meet us all dressed up for our wine break in the van and he had a wreck. He apparently called the bus driver and said not to bring us that way because there was blood on the ground and the van was wrecked. As of Saturday the people he wrecked with were still in the hospital in San Juan. We hope they're okay!

Here's a picture of me with our neighbor, Katie
(the blonde), and a 2nd grade teacher Ms. Rosa. Katie's husband, Brent, is the one in the sunglasses.
We went to a good seafood restaurant about 45 minutes away. We're hoping to remember how to get there so we can take visitors when we get some...hint, hint! Here is a picture of the marina outside of the restaurant and some of the other teachers at lunch.

FYI on the pictures here...If you haven't figured this out already, if you want to see the pictures enlarged you can click on them and they should put them on a new screen but much bigger. Enjoy and employers...give your people a wine break!!
1 comment:
I am overwhelmed with all the information for new teachers!!!Convocation is tomorrow and afterwards we head off to a campground for lunch and a tour. I think it is where our 5th graders go for their overnight field trip. We did have a fashion show today...what not to wear to school! It was really funny!
Take some photos of your classroom for your blog.
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