Winston had a ball in his Tinkerbell party hat. In case you didn't know, my husband has a crush on the little fairy!
Courtney & the boys just hanging out! That's Brent, Courtney, Harry, & Elvin. Harry is Lisa's husband and Elvin is Kisha's husband.
Trying our hands at salsa dancing...what a great way to lose a few pounds! It's harder than it looks!! I'm dancing with Harry, Courtney's with Lisa and Katie's with Kisha. I think we're going to try to go salsa dancing some night at a club...sounds like fun! Come on down and you can go with us!
We are having a ball down here in Guayama but we do miss our friends and family terribly!! We wish you could have been here to help Courtney celebrate. I think he had a good time but you know, things are always better with your friends & family around! Keep checking out what we're up to...I know we've got LOTS of adventures yet to come!
We love you all,
Kelly & Courtney
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