Because of the late start the game went long (1:00 am) but we left at 12:15. It was probably the most exciting game we've been to this season - the benches were cleared twice for fights, lots of trash talkin', etc. It was great! We got up the next morning and drove to El Yunque to see the rainforest and go to La Mina falls. It was the most crowded we've ever seen! We couldn't find a parking spot so Courtney searched for one while we hiked down, we had to push through people to get into the falls, we walked a different way back to the car and then Courtney had to hike a mile and a half to actually get to the car. It was beautiful and fun though. After El Yunque we went to a beach in Luquillo that was really nice and Cole had a fabulous time snorkeling. I bought him a kids snorkel set and he stayed in the water the entire time. We had a hard time getting him out of the water to go kayaking! We drove to Fajardo and went kayaking into the bio bay. We had made reservations through the company we used when the Noons were here. The only bad part was that they didn't tell us they no longer had their license and were contracting out for other companies..oh, and they didn't put our name on any lists so we had no reservations! We were so upset and then this nice man from another company invited us to kayak with his group. It was beautiful of course and Cole and Courtney were kayaking like pros! I don't mind saying Marilyn and I did pretty well too! The only disappointment then was that they no longer let you swim in the bay but we did play in the water with our hands. After that it was time for the long drive home.

While we were at the beach on Tuesday we got a flyer about a new company that will take you out to some surrounding islands on their boat for pretty cheap. We decided to do that on Thursday so we got up and went to meet our captain. We found the place and they took us boating to find the perfect island. We saw 3 or 4 and at one point the boat just stopped. The captain saw a manatee pop his head up! Courtney saw the "spot" it makes in the water but we never saw the head again. Apparently they hide when they hear boats coming. We spent most of the day on our island swimming, snorkeling, talking, relaxing, etc. The captain picked us up and told us that he and his wife went to Salinas to eat while we were out and they saw a manatee playing in the bay at Salinas. Lucky! We went back home and decided to call our headmaster because we knew one of the new teachers was to be getting in that day. He was in so we drove over and introduced ourselves and took him out for a beer. Then we came back to Casa Benny and had a few more. He seems pretty nice. His name is Tom and he's from Chicago. He's been teaching in Phoenix for the last 3 years and he's 4 days older than me...oh yeah...not the oldest anymore!! Here we are on our island - Isla de Barcos.

Yesterday we got up, checked out our school and then drove to Old San Juan. We went to the Bacardi distillery and then to the Don Q distillery where we got some free drinks (can't beat that!). Then we ate a quick lunch and took the Daniels family to the airport. It was really fun to hang out with them - something we've never really done before. We really have had a fabulous last 8 days or so with company! We enjoyed every minute we had with everyone. But now the REAL fun begins - oh yes, I'm talking about laundry and cleaning the house! Woo Whoo! We start meetings on Wednesday and then kids come back the following Monday the 6th...can't wait?!?! Here are a few last pictures from our company. The first one is titled "Baby Got Back-pack"...are you rapping the song yet?

Los familia de Daniels hablan gracias por la semana mejor!
Your Spanish teacher was at the wheatfield party, Where is he?
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