Well, it's the night before we have to go back to PR so I thought I'd update this while I was still in the states. We're at our hotel for the night and have to be on the shuttle to the airport at 5:30 tomorrow morning with our flight leaving at 8:00. Fun, fun! We had a great time while we were back home. With my parents living in Lenexa now we're not quite sure where home is exactly! Anyway - our flight home was interesting. We were supposed to land in Chicago at 11:35, board at 12:05 and leave at 12:35. Well, we got re-routed so we landed at 12:25. Needless to say I was freaking out! I did, however, take some lovely pictures of the Bahamas as we flew over them. Maybe I'll post
those later! We made if off the plane and got right on the next one. Our flight to St. Louis was 1 hour and 5 minutes long. We landed save and Dad picked us up. We drove straight to dinner with Sharon, Wilbur, and their exchange daughter, Nicole, before she left for Germany the next morning. It was great to be able to see her before she headed home. Here we are at Cheeseburger In Paradise. On the 20th we had lunch with Carol & Ben in Leavenworth and then partied with friends at High Noon...man do we miss that place and those people!! On the 21st we spent the day with Amanda, Nic, and Anna and then had a BBQ at mom & dad's that night while Courtney went to John's bachelor party in KC. Friday we took Nic & Anna swimming and had a great time. That night we drove mom to Emporia to meet dad & Aunt Sandi so they could head to Meade for a family reunion on Saturday. Saturday was spent in the hospital with Grandpa Charlie and then at John & Mary's reception that night. We missed the wedding but had a great time at the reception seeing all of our college friends. Here's a few pictures of the 3rd Floor North Po Pimps and the Po Pimp Wives...I'm so excited that another wife joined the group!! The boys would be: Red, John, Travis, Ben, Aaron, and Courtney. The wives are: Sarah (Red's wife), Mary (John's new wife), me (do I need to tell you my hubbies name?), and Teresa (Aaron's wife). I just thought the picture of Sarah & I was good and I had room so I put it up!

The next week was spending time with family as well as going to Sabetha to see everyone (see you in 2 weeks, Marilyn!!) and to Emporia. Last Saturday we went to a BBQ at Dustin's, then to the races, and back to Dustin's for a while. We had a blast!! Here's our supermodel neice, Paige. Yes people that IS her on the Coleman's sleeping bag box! How cool! My new cousin, Stephanie, and her brother Keneth. Hoshi, aka Kody Livengood, at the races in Minneapolis. Courtney, aka Darth Vader, at Dustin's house, and me with my sister-in-law Becca.

We went to IHop the next morning for breakfast and filled the joint...we had 21 people! After that Courtney & I drove to Lenexa to spend the week with mom and dad. We've spent this week relaxing for the most part and saying good-bye to some more people. This morning Mom, Courtney & I went looking at houses in Leavenworth. We figure we'll end up back there and there were 2 houses that we wanted to see. We know they'll probably both be sold by next summer but it doesn't hurt ot look, right?! Mom & dad drove us to St. Louis tonight and they're on their way home now. Last but not least - here's a picture of my mom's new toy, Vinn. Ain't he cute?! Anyway, it's back to Guayama tomorrow night and to our boys! We got a call tonight that they've been barking at night - good thing we're going home and they'll be in their own house tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!

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