I've been telling people for years that I was born into Cowboys football. I don't think people realy believed me. Now maybe they will. It all started with a man, Charles Johnson, my Grandpa who would watch (through his closed eyelids) every Cowboys game on TV. My Aunt Sandi lived in Dallas so my Dad, Grandpa, and a few rowdy friends would fly down to Dallas for games. (Maybe once or twice but hey that's more than I've been to!) They were cool too because they would fly themselves in their plane. I've seen pictures of the games...or at least pictures of the Cowboys cheerleaders. I don't hate on those ladies - I always wanted to be one but it's a little thing called I'm short and I don't live in Texas. Anyway! When I was growing up we would go to Grandpa's house on Sundays and watch the games. I learned early on not to change the channel even if Grandpa was snoring because he WAS watching. If the channel was changed....bad news. I remember getting a pink shirt with a picture (cartoon picture) of a Cowboys cheerleader and I loved it. I also received a Cowboys jacket with my name on it. A few weeks ago while looking through family pictures I discovered it. A picture from the day I received the beautiful jacket. Oh so lovely! You can't tell from the pictures that it was a Cowboys jacket because you can't see the star but I know it and so does everyone else that was there. There is even a picture of my sister getting her personalized Cowboys jacket so even if she won't admit it her blood run blue also. And then this past week I received something in the mail more beautiful than words can describe. Perhaps the most beautiful shirt in all the world. My beloved friends, the Dills, in Texas really do love me!! And I think they are becoming Cowboys fans, too (right?!?!).

This picture was taken when my Dad and some others flew down to Dallas for a Cowboys game. My Dad and Grandpa owned the plane and my Dad had a license to fly. No wonder why he drives so fast!

Here I am putting on my new Cowboys jacket with my name on it and beside the man who is the reason for my blue blood and my tattoo.

Could it be the most beautiful shirt ever to be made?!? I believe it is!! Thank you Pickles!!!!!
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