School is going great! Courtney & I are both enjoying where we teach, the kids, the subjects, everything. I am actually enjoying Kindergarten so much more than I thought I would. The days go so fast with these little ones. They are already starting to surprise me with what they can do after being in school for 21 days (we count every day). Courtney was a lucky one last week and got not a 2 day weekend but a 4 day weekend. Sure, sure, sure, blame it on a broken water main if it makes you feel better. So last Monday he had no school and it was a cold and rainy day. We had the Bridges clan over for dinner and karaoke that night - so fun! Nicolas, as it turns out, and quite a singer!! I went first, then Nic, then Anna, then Amanda, Nic and Anna lots more, Jim, Amanda, me, Nic and Anna, etc. During all of the singing Courtney got the call about no school on Tuesday. Life is rough! Last week it rained basically every day. I had a "Freedom Walk" at school on Thursday and then our "National Anthem Project" that afternoon so Thursday was a nothing day. Friday was a rough day because it rained and rained and rained. Yesterday it was still raining - seriously we had rain pretty much non stop for 48 hours. I had to take pictures because we had a river running through our backyard. It was interesting - especially when all 3 dogs decided to run through it. Yesterday we got up early and headed to Lenexa to help mom and dad move to their new apartment in Overland Park. The new one is so much nicer. Even the outside of the apartments are nicer. We ended up not leaving until almost 8:00 last night to come the rain. Other than that we haven't been up to too much. Today is being spent cleaning, doing lesson plans, and watching football. My Cowboys rocked last Sunday and I'm sure will do the same tomorrow on Monday Night Football!! It will be quite a change seeing MNF at a decent hour here in Kansas. I can't wait! Here are some pics of our river. Have a great week everyone!!
The white speck in the middle is Winston's toy floating down "the river". Don't worry - it floated out of the river and is drying safely in our now soggy yard!
1 comment:
What an exciting Cowboys/Eagles game. Go Cowboys!
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