On Wednesday we took Cael to Easton to the wrestling room for his first practice. They have open practice on Wednesday nights and we had to take Cael up to meet some of his wrestling buddies! Mr. & Mrs. Pineau came out to meet Cael too. I spend lots of time with them during wrestling season. Cael did really good. He stayed awake the entire practice. We did not put him down on the mat because they are so darn dirty right now but Courtney took him out for pictures. He will be spending LOTS of time in that wrestling room I'm sure!!

On Friday Dad called and he had some tickets to the Royals game for that night. What's that?! A night out without baby?! Might as well!! So Mom & Dad came to the house and took care of Mr. Cael so Courtney, Jim, Amanda & I could go to the game. The seats were amazing! The Royals were themselves and lost 5-0 but the weather was great, it was buck night ($1.00 for hot dogs, soda, peanuts, etc.) and there were fireworks at the end so it was worth it. This is how close we were - I took a picture of the jumbotron. We had a great night but by the end of the game I was ready to get home to see my baby!! It was all we could do to not pick him up from his crib when we got home. We needed a night away but missed him very much!

Yesterday was the 4th and Allyn Plattner's graduation party in Sabetha. We ended up going to Sabetha early to meet Angelia & Jason's new baby, Jethro Arnold Steiner. Angelia was due on June 18th (I was due the 19th) but ended up with a c-section on the 12th. So Cael is actually 2 days older than Jethro but was smaller at birth & is still smaller. It was fun to have them together to interact a little. Jethro was basically awake the entire time we were there and Cael slept for almost the entire time! Once he goes for a car ride he is toast! For those of you who don't know - Courtney & I taught in Sabetha our first 2 years of teaching. I taught with Marilyn who is Jason's sister. Courtney taught with Angelia at the high school there. We went on their first date to Seneca to go bowling and then we went back for their wedding after we had already moved to LV. They've had a rough time of it with a couple of miscarriages so Jethro is truly a blessing. It was nice to go through the pregnancy with Angelia because we e-mailed quite a bit about things that were going on. Yesterday it was so nice to be able to talk to her again and hear how things are going for them and to be able to compare how things are with us now. Jethro is such a good eater! He makes Cael look like he isn't eating anything! Then we headed over to Uncle Allyn's party for Cael to meet him finally. It was nice to see people we haven't seen in a long time.

The best Blue Steel picture yet!
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