Here's Aunt Amy and her nephew.

Saturday we went to town and saw Great Grandma Butler and Great Aunt Kim. We also had a BBQ at Dustin & Monica's house so people could come meet the boy. Happy 1st Anniversary to Dustin & Monica by the way! Anyway - before we went to the BBQ we stopped by Travis & Nicole's new house. AJ was so cute with Cael. It was the first time she had met him. She wanted to hold him so bad! She settled for looking at him and trying to pick up his carseat. I picked it up and she held on to it and we walked. She was a big help! She was so cute trying to hug & kiss Cael while he was in his seat.
Here are some pics of AJ and her cousin Cael.

After seeing the Noons we went to the McCowns for our BBQ. It was fun to see Courtney's family and most of them were seeing Cael for the first time. He got passed around quite a bit but he was a trooper! He is such a content baby!!
Here is Cael with his Great Aunt Val.

Cael and his Great Aunt Margaret, aka Smudge.

Cael with one of Mommy's oldest friends Nicci. Monica, Nicci & I have known each other since we were LITTLE!!!

Now here are just a few of my boys at the BBQ. Courtney was playing with Gunner - if you could call if playing...

Saturday night Cael's Great Aunt Sharon took Cael for the night so Courtney & I could go to the races. It was nice to get out again for a few hours with friends & family. We got to Sharon's when Cael was already asleep. But by the time we got ready to go to bed he was waking up to eat! Ah the life of parents!!
Sunday we had lunch with some of Courtney's family. I was a little disappointed because some relatives that I thought would show up didn't but there's not much you can do about it! After lunch we drove back to Salina to say goodbye to Granddad Calvin & Grandma Donna but we were so darn tired we decided to spend the night there again. I took a few pictures of my boys at Granddad's house. This is what some of my favorite times now look like.

We got home Monday morning and have had a pretty quiet week. I had my Dr. appointment on Monday afternoon and got the okay to do anything I want! Yahoo!! Tuesday was pretty boring and Wednesday we went out to dinner with Grammie & Papa. Thursday was pretty boring and today I went to my classroom and got all of the furniture situated. Tomorrow Tio Bill is coming up for lunch and Grammie & Papa are going to take the boy for the night. I don't remember the last time I slept through the night without having to get up. We aren't looking forward to him not being around but it will be nice to get some sleep! Next week Cael's Great Aunt Sharon is coming up to watch him for a day so we can get some stuff done. I will be going back to my school to finish getting it ready. I feel pretty good about what I have done now but I may need to go up a couple of times next week. The week after that I start back to work! I can't believe it's that time already!! Courtney will be with the boy alone for a week then he will go to day care for a few days before going full time the week of the 17th. I am not ready for that. I'm done talking about it now. Anyway! Hope everyone has had a great week!
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